Today's Internet is built on decades-old networking protocols
that lack scalability, reliability and security. In response, the
networking community has developed path-aware Internet
architectures that solve these issues while simultaneously empowering
end hosts. In these architectures, autonomous systems authorize
forwarding paths in accordance with their routing policies, and
protect paths using cryptographic authenticators. For each packet, the
sending end host selects an authorized path and embeds it and its
authenticators in the packet header. This allows routers to
efficiently determine how to forward the packet. The central security
property of the data plane, i.e., of forwarding, is that packets can
only travel along authorized paths. This property, which we call
path authorization, protects the routing policies of autonomous
systems from malicious senders. The fundamental role of packet
forwarding in the Internet's ecosystem and the complexity of the
authentication mechanisms employed call for a formal analysis. We
develop IsaNet, a parameterized verification framework for data plane
protocols in Isabelle/HOL. We first formulate an abstract model
without an attacker for which we prove path authorization. We then
refine this model by introducing a Dolev--Yao attacker and by
protecting authorized paths using (generic) cryptographic validation
fields. This model is parametrized by the path authorization mechanism
and assumes five simple verification conditions. We propose novel
attacker models and different sets of assumptions on the underlying
routing protocol. We validate our framework by instantiating it with
nine concrete protocols variants and prove that they each satisfy the
verification conditions (and hence path authorization). The invariants
needed for the security proof are proven in the parametrized model
instead of the instance models. Our framework thus supports low-effort
security proofs for data plane protocols. In contrast to what could be
achieved with state-of-the-art automated protocol verifiers, our
results hold for arbitrary network topologies and sets of authorized
Session IsaNet
- Event_Systems
- Agents
- Keys
- Message
- Tools
- Take_While
- Take_While_Update
- Network_Model
- Parametrized_Dataplane_0
- Parametrized_Dataplane_1
- Parametrized_Dataplane_2
- Network_Assumptions
- Parametrized_Dataplane_3_directed
- Parametrized_Dataplane_3_undirected
- SCION_variant
- EPIC_L1_SA_Example
- Abstract_XOR
- Anapaya_SCION
- ICING_variant
- ICING_variant2
- All_Protocols