Iptables Semantics

Cornelius Diekmann 🌐 and Lars Hupel 🌐

September 9, 2016

This is a development version of this entry. It might change over time and is not stable. Please refer to release versions for citations.


We present a big step semantics of the filtering behavior of the Linux/netfilter iptables firewall. We provide algorithms to simplify complex iptables rulests to a simple firewall model (c.f. AFP entry Simple_Firewall) and to verify spoofing protection of a ruleset. Internally, we embed our semantics into ternary logic, ultimately supporting every iptables match condition by abstracting over unknowns. Using this AFP entry and all entries it depends on, we created an easy-to-use, stand-alone haskell tool called fffuu. The tool does not require any input —except for the iptables-save dump of the analyzed firewall— and presents interesting results about the user's ruleset. Real-Word firewall errors have been uncovered, and the correctness of rulesets has been proved, with the help of our tool.


BSD License


Session Iptables_Semantics

Session Iptables_Semantics_Examples

Session Iptables_Semantics_Examples_Big