File ‹~~/src/Provers/hypsubst.ML›
signature HYPSUBST_DATA =
val dest_Trueprop : term -> term
val dest_eq : term -> term * term
val dest_imp : term -> term * term
val eq_reflection : thm
val rev_eq_reflection: thm
val imp_intr : thm
val rev_mp : thm
val subst : thm
val sym : thm
val thin_refl : thm
signature HYPSUBST =
val bound_hyp_subst_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val hyp_subst_tac_thin : bool -> Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val hyp_subst_thin : bool Config.T
val hyp_subst_tac : Proof.context -> int -> tactic
val blast_hyp_subst_tac : Proof.context -> bool -> int -> tactic
val stac : Proof.context -> thm -> int -> tactic
functor Hypsubst(Data: HYPSUBST_DATA): HYPSUBST =
exception EQ_VAR;
fun inspect_contract t =
(case Envir.eta_contract t of
Free (a, T) => if Name.is_bound a then Bound 0 else Free (a, T)
| t' => t');
val has_vars = Term.exists_subterm Term.is_Var;
val has_tvars = Term.exists_type (Term.exists_subtype Term.is_TVar);
fun inspect_pair bnd novars (t, u) =
if novars andalso (has_tvars t orelse has_tvars u)
then raise Match
(case apply2 inspect_contract (t, u) of
(Bound i, _) =>
if loose_bvar1 (u, i) orelse novars andalso has_vars u
then raise Match
else (true, Bound i)
| (_, Bound i) =>
if loose_bvar1 (t, i) orelse novars andalso has_vars t
then raise Match
else (false, Bound i)
| (t' as Free _, _) =>
if bnd orelse Logic.occs (t', u) orelse novars andalso has_vars u
then raise Match
else (true, t')
| (_, u' as Free _) =>
if bnd orelse Logic.occs (u', t) orelse novars andalso has_vars t
then raise Match
else (false, u')
| _ => raise Match);
fun eq_var bnd novars check_frees t =
fun check_free ts (orient, Free f)
= if not check_frees orelse not orient
orelse exists (curry Logic.occs (Free f)) ts
then (orient, true) else raise Match
| check_free ts (orient, _) = (orient, false)
fun eq_var_aux k \<^Const_>‹Pure.all _ for ‹Abs(_,_,t)›› hs = eq_var_aux k t hs
| eq_var_aux k \<^Const_>‹Pure.imp for A B› hs =
((k, check_free (B :: hs) (inspect_pair bnd novars
(Data.dest_eq (Data.dest_Trueprop A))))
handle TERM _ => eq_var_aux (k+1) B (A :: hs)
| Match => eq_var_aux (k+1) B (A :: hs))
| eq_var_aux k _ _ = raise EQ_VAR
in eq_var_aux 0 t [] end;
fun thin_free_eq_tac ctxt = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
val (k, _) = eq_var false false false t
val ok = (eq_var false false true t |> fst) > k handle EQ_VAR => true
if ok then EVERY [rotate_tac k i, eresolve_tac ctxt [thin_rl] i, rotate_tac (~k) i]
else no_tac
end handle EQ_VAR => no_tac)
fun mk_eqs bnd th =
[ if inspect_pair bnd false (Data.dest_eq (Data.dest_Trueprop (Thm.prop_of th))) |> fst
then th RS Data.eq_reflection
else Thm.symmetric(th RS Data.eq_reflection) ]
handle TERM _ => [] | Match => [];
fun gen_hyp_subst_tac ctxt bnd =
SUBGOAL (fn (Bi, i) =>
val (k, (orient, is_free)) = eq_var bnd true true Bi
val hyp_subst_ctxt = empty_simpset ctxt |> Simplifier.set_mksimps (K (mk_eqs bnd))
in EVERY [rotate_tac k i, asm_lr_simp_tac hyp_subst_ctxt i,
if not is_free then eresolve_tac ctxt [thin_rl] i
else if orient then eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.rev_mp] i
else eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.sym RS Data.rev_mp] i,
rotate_tac (~k) i,
if is_free then resolve_tac ctxt [Data.imp_intr] i else all_tac]
end handle THM _ => no_tac | EQ_VAR => no_tac)
val ssubst = Drule.zero_var_indexes (Data.sym RS Data.subst);
fun inst_subst_tac ctxt b rl = CSUBGOAL (fn (cBi, i) =>
case try (Logic.strip_assums_hyp #> hd #>
Data.dest_Trueprop #> Data.dest_eq #> apply2 Envir.eta_contract) (Thm.term_of cBi) of
SOME (t, t') =>
val Bi = Thm.term_of cBi;
val ps = Logic.strip_params Bi;
val U = Term.fastype_of1 (rev (map snd ps), t);
val Q = Data.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_concl Bi);
val rl' = Thm.lift_rule cBi rl;
val (ixn, T) = dest_Var (Term.head_of (Data.dest_Trueprop
(Logic.strip_assums_concl (Thm.prop_of rl'))));
val (v1, v2) = Data.dest_eq (Data.dest_Trueprop
(Logic.strip_assums_concl (hd (Thm.take_prems_of 1 rl'))));
val (Ts, V) = split_last (Term.binder_types T);
val u =
fold_rev Term.abs (ps @ [("x", U)])
(case (if b then t else t') of
Bound j => subst_bounds (map Bound ((1 upto j) @ 0 :: (j + 2 upto length ps)), Q)
| t => Term.abstract_over (t, Term.incr_boundvars 1 Q));
val (instT, _) = Thm.match (apply2 (Thm.cterm_of ctxt o Logic.mk_type) (V, U));
compose_tac ctxt (true, Drule.instantiate_normalize (instT,
Vars.make (map (apsnd (Thm.cterm_of ctxt))
[((ixn, Ts ---> U --> body_type T), u),
((fst (dest_Var (head_of v1)), Ts ---> U), fold_rev Term.abs ps t),
((fst (dest_Var (head_of v2)), Ts ---> U), fold_rev Term.abs ps t')])) rl',
Thm.nprems_of rl) i
| NONE => no_tac);
fun imp_intr_tac ctxt = resolve_tac ctxt [Data.imp_intr];
fun rev_dup_elim ctxt th = (th RSN (2, revcut_rl)) |> Thm.assumption (SOME ctxt) 2 |> Seq.hd;
fun dup_subst ctxt = rev_dup_elim ctxt ssubst
fun vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac ctxt bnd = SUBGOAL(fn (Bi,i) =>
let val n = length(Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi) - 1
val (k, (orient, is_free)) = eq_var bnd false true Bi
val rl = if is_free then dup_subst ctxt else ssubst
val rl = if orient then rl else Data.sym RS rl
(EVERY [REPEAT_DETERM_N k (eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.rev_mp] i),
rotate_tac 1 i,
REPEAT_DETERM_N (n-k) (eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.rev_mp] i),
inst_subst_tac ctxt orient rl i,
REPEAT_DETERM_N n (imp_intr_tac ctxt i THEN rotate_tac ~1 i)])
handle THM _ => no_tac | EQ_VAR => no_tac);
fun hyp_subst_tac_thin thin ctxt =
REPEAT_DETERM1 o FIRST' [ematch_tac ctxt [Data.thin_refl],
gen_hyp_subst_tac ctxt false, vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac ctxt false,
if thin then thin_free_eq_tac ctxt else K no_tac];
val hyp_subst_thin = Attrib.setup_config_bool \<^binding>‹hypsubst_thin› (K false);
fun hyp_subst_tac ctxt =
hyp_subst_tac_thin (Config.get ctxt hyp_subst_thin) ctxt;
fun bound_hyp_subst_tac ctxt =
REPEAT_DETERM1 o (gen_hyp_subst_tac ctxt true
ORELSE' vars_gen_hyp_subst_tac ctxt true);
fun reverse_n_tac _ 0 i = all_tac
| reverse_n_tac _ 1 i = rotate_tac ~1 i
| reverse_n_tac ctxt n i =
REPEAT_DETERM_N n (rotate_tac ~1 i THEN eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.rev_mp] i) THEN
REPEAT_DETERM_N n (imp_intr_tac ctxt i THEN rotate_tac ~1 i);
fun all_imp_intr_tac ctxt hyps i =
fun imptac (r, []) st = reverse_n_tac ctxt r i st
| imptac (r, hyp::hyps) st =
val (hyp', _) =
Thm.term_of (Thm.cprem_of st i)
|> Logic.strip_assums_concl
|> Data.dest_Trueprop |> Data.dest_imp;
val (r', tac) =
if Envir.aeconv (hyp, hyp')
then (r, imp_intr_tac ctxt i THEN rotate_tac ~1 i)
else (r + 1, imp_intr_tac ctxt i);
(case Seq.pull (tac st) of
NONE => Seq.single st
| SOME (st', _) => imptac (r', hyps) st')
in imptac (0, rev hyps) end;
fun blast_hyp_subst_tac ctxt trace = SUBGOAL(fn (Bi, i) =>
val (k, (symopt, _)) = eq_var false false false Bi
val hyps0 = map Data.dest_Trueprop (Logic.strip_assums_hyp Bi)
val hyps = List.take(hyps0, k) @ List.drop(hyps0, k+1)
val n = length hyps
if trace then tracing "Substituting an equality" else ();
(EVERY [REPEAT_DETERM_N k (eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.rev_mp] i),
rotate_tac 1 i,
REPEAT_DETERM_N (n-k) (eresolve_tac ctxt [Data.rev_mp] i),
inst_subst_tac ctxt symopt (if symopt then ssubst else Data.subst) i,
all_imp_intr_tac ctxt hyps i])
handle THM _ => no_tac | EQ_VAR => no_tac);
fun stac ctxt th =
let val th' = th RS Data.rev_eq_reflection handle THM _ => th
in CHANGED_GOAL (resolve_tac ctxt [th' RS ssubst]) end;
val _ =
(Method.setup \<^binding>‹hypsubst›
(Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (CHANGED_PROP o hyp_subst_tac ctxt)))
"substitution using an assumption (improper)" #>
Method.setup \<^binding>‹hypsubst_thin›
(Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD'
(CHANGED_PROP o hyp_subst_tac_thin true ctxt)))
"substitution using an assumption, eliminating assumptions" #>
Method.setup \<^binding>‹simplesubst›
(Attrib.thm >> (fn th => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (stac ctxt th)))
"simple substitution");