Theory Transfer_Ext

(* Title: Examples/SML_Relativization/Foundations/Transfer_Ext.thy
   Author: Mihails Milehins
   Copyright 2021 (C) Mihails Milehins
section‹Extension of the theory text‹Transfer›
theory Transfer_Ext
  imports Main

lemma bi_unique_intersect_r:
  assumes "bi_unique T" 
    and "rel_set T a a'" 
    and "rel_set T b b'" 
    and "rel_set T (a  b) xr" 
  shows "a'  b' = xr"
proof -
    fix x assume "x  a  b"
    then have "x  a" and "x  b" by simp+
    from assms(2) x  a have "y  a'. T x y" by (rule rel_setD1)
    moreover from assms(3) x  b have "y  b'. T x y" by (rule rel_setD1)
    ultimately have "y  a'  b'. T x y" 
      using assms(1) by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDr)
  note unique_r = this
    fix x assume "x  a'  b'"
    then have "x  a'" and "x  b'" by simp+
    from assms(2) x  a' have "y  a. T y x" by (rule rel_setD2)
    moreover from assms(3) x  b' have "y  b. T y x" by (rule rel_setD2)
    ultimately have "y  a  b. T y x" 
      using assms(1) by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDl)
  with unique_r have "rel_set T (a  b) (a'  b')" using rel_setI by blast 
  with assms(1,4) show ?thesis by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDr bi_unique_rel_set)

lemma bi_unique_intersect_l:
  assumes "bi_unique T" 
    and "rel_set T a a'" 
    and "rel_set T b b'" 
    and "rel_set T xl (a'  b')" 
  shows "a  b = xl"
proof -
  let ?T' = "λ y x. T x y"
  from assms(1) have "bi_unique ?T'" unfolding bi_unique_def by simp
  moreover from assms(2) have "rel_set ?T' a' a" unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  moreover from assms(3) have "rel_set ?T' b' b" unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  moreover from assms(4) have "rel_set ?T' (a'  b') xl" 
    unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by (rule bi_unique_intersect_r)

lemma bi_unique_intersect:
  assumes "bi_unique T" and "rel_set T a a'" and "rel_set T b b'" 
  shows "rel_set T (a  b) (a'  b')" 
proof -
    fix xl assume "xl  a  b"
    then have "xl  a" and "xl  b" by simp+
    with assms(3) obtain xr where "T xl xr" unfolding rel_set_def by auto
    with assms(1,2) xl  a have "xr  a'"
      by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDr rel_setD1)
    moreover with assms(1,3) xl  b T xl xr have "xr  b'" 
      by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDr rel_setD1)
    ultimately have "xr  a'  b'" by simp
    with T xl xr have "xr. xr  a'  b'  T xl xr" by auto
  then have prem_lhs: "xl  a  b. xr. xr  a'  b'  T xl xr" by simp  
    fix xr
    assume "xr  a'  b'"
    then have "xr  a'" and "xr  b'" by simp+
    with assms(3) obtain xl where "T xl xr" unfolding rel_set_def by auto
    with assms(1,2) xr  a' have "xl  a" 
      by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDl rel_setD2)
    moreover with assms(1,3) xr  b' T xl xr have "xl  b" 
      by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDl rel_setD2)
    ultimately have "xl  a  b" by simp
    with T xl xr have "xl. xl  a  b  T xl xr" by auto
  then have prem_rhs: "xr  a'  b'. xl. xl  a  b  T xl xr" by simp
  from prem_lhs prem_rhs show ?thesis unfolding rel_set_def by auto

lemma bi_unique_union_r:
  assumes "bi_unique T" 
    and "rel_set T a a'" 
    and "rel_set T b b'" 
    and "rel_set T (a  b) xr" 
  shows "a'  b' = xr"
proof -
    fix x assume "x  a  b"
    then have "x  a  x  b" by simp
    from assms(2) have "y  a'. T x y" if "x  a" 
      using that by (rule rel_setD1)
    moreover from assms(3) have "y  b'. T x y" if "x  b" 
      using that by (rule rel_setD1)
    ultimately have "y  a'  b'. T x y" using x  a  x  b by auto
  note unique_r = this
    fix x assume "x  a'  b'"
    then have "x  a'  x  b'" by simp
    from assms(2) have "y  a. T y x" if "x  a'" 
      using that by (rule rel_setD2)
    moreover from assms(3) have "y  b. T y x" if "x  b'" 
      using that by (rule rel_setD2)
    ultimately have "y  a  b. T y x" using x  a'  x  b' by auto
  with unique_r have "rel_set T (a  b) (a'  b')" by (auto intro: rel_setI) 
  with assms(1,4) show ?thesis by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDr bi_unique_rel_set)

lemma bi_unique_union_l:
  assumes "bi_unique T" 
    and "rel_set T a a'" 
    and "rel_set T b b'" 
    and "rel_set T xl (a'  b')" 
  shows "a  b = xl"
proof -
  let ?T' = "λy x. T x y"
  from assms(1) have "bi_unique ?T'" unfolding bi_unique_def by simp
  moreover from assms(2) have "rel_set ?T' a' a" unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  moreover from assms(3) have "rel_set ?T' b' b" unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  moreover from assms(4) have "rel_set ?T' (a'  b') xl" 
    unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by (rule bi_unique_union_r)

lemma bi_unique_union:
  assumes "bi_unique T" and "rel_set T a a'" and "rel_set T b b'" 
  shows "rel_set T (a  b) (a'  b')" 
proof -
    fix xl assume "xl  a  b"
    with assms(2,3) obtain xr where "T xl xr" unfolding rel_set_def by auto
    with assms xl  a  b have "xr  a'  b'"
      unfolding bi_unique_def using Un_iff by (metis Un_iff rel_setD1)
    with T xl xr have "xr. xr  a'  b'  T xl xr" by auto
  then have prem_lhs: "xl  a  b. xr. xr  a'  b'  T xl xr" by simp  
    fix xr assume "xr  a'  b'"
    with assms(2,3) obtain xl where "T xl xr" unfolding rel_set_def by auto
    with assms xr  a'  b' have "xl  a  b"
      unfolding bi_unique_def by (metis Un_iff rel_setD2)
    with T xl xr have "xl. xl  a  b  T xl xr" by auto
  then have prem_rhs: "xr  a'  b'. xl. xl  a  b  T xl xr" by simp
  from prem_lhs prem_rhs show ?thesis unfolding rel_set_def by auto

lemma bi_unique_Union_r:
  fixes T :: "['a, 'b]  bool" and K
  defines K':  "K'  {(x, y). rel_set T x y} `` K"
  assumes "bi_unique T" 
    and "K  Collect (Domainp T)" 
    and "rel_set T (K) xr" 
  shows "K' = xr"
proof -
    fix x assume "x  K"
    then obtain k where "x  k" and "k  K" by clarsimp
    from assms have ex_k'_prem: "k  K. x  k. x'. T x x'" by auto
    define k' where k': "k' = {x'. x  k. T x x'}" 
    have "rel_set T k k'" 
      unfolding rel_set_def Bex_def k' 
      using k  K by (blast dest: ex_k'_prem[rule_format])
    with k  K have "k'  K'" unfolding K' by auto
    from rel_set T k k' x  k obtain y where "y  k'  T x y" 
      by (auto dest: rel_setD1)
    then have "y  K'. T x y" using k'  K' by auto
  note unique_r = this
    fix x' assume "x'  K'"
    then obtain k' where "x'  k'" and "k'  K'" by clarsimp
    then have ex_k_prem: "k'  K'. x  k'. x. T x x'" 
      unfolding K' by (auto dest: rel_setD2)
    define k where k: "k = {x. x'  k'. T x x'}"
    have "rel_set T k k'" 
      unfolding rel_set_def Bex_def k 
      using k'  K' K' by (blast dest: rel_setD2)
    from assms(2) have "bi_unique (rel_set T)" by (rule bi_unique_rel_set)
    with rel_set T k k' have "∃!k. rel_set T k k'" by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDl)
    with rel_set T k k' K' k'  K' have "k  K" by auto
    from rel_set T k k' x'  k' obtain y where "y  k  T y x'" 
      by (auto dest: rel_setD2)
    then have "y  K. T y x'" using k  K by auto
  with unique_r have "rel_set T (K) (K')" by (intro rel_setI) 
  with assms(2,4) show ?thesis by (auto dest: bi_uniqueDr bi_unique_rel_set)

lemma bi_unique_Union_l:
  fixes T :: "['a, 'b]  bool" and K'
  defines K: "K  {(x, y). rel_set (λ y x. T x y) x y} `` K'"
  assumes "bi_unique T" 
    and "K'  Collect (Rangep T)" 
    and "rel_set T xl (K')" 
  shows "K = xl"
proof -
  let ?T' = "λ y x. T x y"
  from assms(2) have "bi_unique ?T'" unfolding bi_unique_def by simp
  moreover from assms(3) have "K'  Collect (Domainp ?T')" by blast
  moreover from assms(4) have "rel_set ?T' (K') xl" 
    unfolding rel_set_def by simp
  ultimately have "({(x, y). rel_set ?T' x y} `` K') = xl" 
    by (rule bi_unique_Union_r)
  thus ?thesis using K by simp

  includes lifting_syntax

The lemma text‹Domainp_applyI› was adopted from the lemma with the 
identical name in the theory text‹Types_To_Sets/Group_on_With.thy›.
lemma Domainp_applyI:
  includes lifting_syntax
  shows "(A ===> B) f g  A x y  Domainp B (f x)"
  by (auto simp: rel_fun_def)

lemma Domainp_fun:
  assumes "left_unique A" 
    "Domainp (rel_fun A B) = 
      (λf. f ` (Collect (Domainp A))  (Collect (Domainp B)))"
    "pred_fun (Domainp A) (Domainp B) = 
      (λf. f ` (Collect (Domainp A))  (Collect (Domainp B)))"
    by (simp add: image_subset_iff)
  from Domainp_pred_fun_eq[OF left_unique A, of B, unfolded this]
  show ?thesis .  

lemma Bex_fun_transfer[transfer_rule]:
  assumes "bi_unique A" "right_total B"
    "(((A ===> B) ===> (=)) ===> (=)) 
      (Bex (Collect (λf. f ` (Collect (Domainp A))  (Collect (Domainp B))))) 
  from assms(1) have "left_unique A" by (simp add: bi_unique_alt_def)
  note right_total_BA[transfer_rule] = 
      OF conjunct2[OF bi_unique_alt_def[THEN iffD1, OF assms(1)]] assms(2)
  show ?thesis 
    unfolding Domainp_fun[OF left_unique A, symmetric]
    by transfer_prover


