Theory SML_Linorders

(* Title: Examples/SML_Relativization/Lattices/SML_Linorders.thy
   Author: Mihails Milehins
   Copyright 2021 (C) Mihails Milehins
section‹Relativization of the results about linear orders›
theory SML_Linorders
  imports SML_Semilattices

subsection‹Linear orders›

subsubsection‹Definitions and further properties›

locale linorder_ow = order_ow +
  assumes linear: " x  U; y  U   x ow y  y ow x"

sublocale min: 
  semilattice_order_ow U (λx y. (with (≤ow) : «min» x y)) (≤ow) (<ow)
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal unfolding min.with_def by simp
  subgoal by (metis linear order_trans min.with_def)
  subgoal unfolding min.with_def by (auto dest: linear simp: antisym)
  subgoal unfolding min.with_def by simp
  subgoal unfolding min.with_def by (simp add: eq_iff)
  subgoal unfolding min.with_def by (simp add: less_le)

sublocale max: 
  semilattice_order_ow U (λx y. (with (≤ow) : «max» x y)) (≥ow) (>ow)
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal unfolding max.with_def by simp
  subgoal by (metis linear order_trans max.with_def)
  subgoal unfolding max.with_def by (auto dest: linear simp: antisym)
  subgoal unfolding max.with_def by simp
  subgoal unfolding max.with_def by (auto dest: linear simp: antisym)
  subgoal unfolding max.with_def by (auto dest: linear simp: less_le_not_le)


locale ord_linorder_ow = 
  ord?: ord_ow U1 le1 ls1 + lo?: linorder_ow U2 le2 ls2
  for U1 :: "'ao set" and le1 ls1 and U2 :: "'bo set" and le2 ls2

sublocale ord_order_ow ..


locale preorder_linorder_ow = 
  po?: preorder_ow U1 le1 ls1 + lo?: linorder_ow U2 le2 ls2
  for U1 :: "'ao set" and le1 ls1 and U2 :: "'bo set" and le2 ls2

sublocale preorder_order_ow ..


locale order_linorder_ow = 
  order?: order_ow U1 le1 ls1 + lo?: linorder_ow U2 le2 ls2
  for U1 :: "'ao set" and le1 ls1 and U2 :: "'bo set" and le2 ls2

sublocale order_pair_ow ..


locale linorder_pair_ow = 
  lo1?: linorder_ow U1 le1 ls1 + lo2?: linorder_ow U2 le2 ls2
  for U1 :: "'ao set" and le1 ls1 and U2 :: "'bo set" and le2 ls2

sublocale order_linorder_ow ..


subsubsection‹Transfer rules›

  includes lifting_syntax

lemma linorder_transfer[transfer_rule]:
  assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" "right_total A" 
    "((A ===> A ===> (=)) ===> (A ===> A ===> (=)) ===> (=)) 
      (linorder_ow (Collect (Domainp A))) class.linorder"
    linorder_ow_def class.linorder_def
    linorder_ow_axioms_def class.linorder_axioms_def
  apply transfer_prover_start
  apply transfer_step+
  by simp


context linorder_ow 

  tts: (?'a to U)
  rewriting ctr_simps
  substituting linorder_ow_axioms
  eliminating through simp

tts_lemma le_less_linear:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "x ow y  y <ow x"
  is linorder_class.le_less_linear.

tts_lemma not_less:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(¬ x <ow y) = (y ow x)"
    is linorder_class.not_less.
tts_lemma not_le:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(¬ x ow y) = (y <ow x)"
    is linorder_class.not_le.

tts_lemma lessThan_minus_lessThan:
  assumes "n  U" and "m  U"
  shows "{..<own} - {..<owm} = (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {m..<n})"
    is linorder_class.lessThan_minus_lessThan.

tts_lemma Ici_subset_Ioi_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U"
  shows "({a..ow}  {b<ow..}) = (b <ow a)"
    is linorder_class.Ici_subset_Ioi_iff.

tts_lemma Iic_subset_Iio_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U"
  shows "({..owa}  {..<owb}) = (a <ow b)"
    is linorder_class.Iic_subset_Iio_iff.

tts_lemma leI:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U" and "¬ x <ow y"
  shows "y ow x"
    is linorder_class.leI.

tts_lemma not_le_imp_less:
  assumes "y  U" and "x  U" and "¬ y ow x"
  shows "x <ow y"
    is linorder_class.not_le_imp_less.

tts_lemma Int_atMost:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U"
  shows "{..owa}  {..owb} = {..owmin a b}"
    is linorder_class.Int_atMost.

tts_lemma lessThan_Int_lessThan:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U"
  shows "{a<ow..}  {b<ow..} = {max a b<ow..}"
    is linorder_class.lessThan_Int_lessThan.

tts_lemma greaterThan_Int_greaterThan:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U"
  shows "{..<owa}  {..<owb} = {..<owmin a b}"
    is linorder_class.greaterThan_Int_greaterThan.

tts_lemma less_linear:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "x <ow y  x = y  y <ow x"
    is linorder_class.less_linear.

tts_lemma Int_atLeastAtMostR2:
  assumes "a  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "{a..ow}  {c..owd} = {max a c..owd}"
    is linorder_class.Int_atLeastAtMostR2.

tts_lemma Int_atLeastAtMostR1:
  assumes "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "{..owb}  {c..owd} = {c..owmin b d}"
    is linorder_class.Int_atLeastAtMostR1.

tts_lemma Int_atLeastAtMostL2:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U"
  shows "{a..owb}  {c..ow} = {max a c..owb}"
    is linorder_class.Int_atLeastAtMostL2.

tts_lemma Int_atLeastAtMostL1:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "d  U"
  shows "{a..owb}  {..owd} = {a..owmin b d}"
    is linorder_class.Int_atLeastAtMostL1.

tts_lemma neq_iff:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(x  y) = (x <ow y  y <ow x)"
    is linorder_class.neq_iff.

tts_lemma not_less_iff_gr_or_eq:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(¬ x <ow y) = (y <ow x  x = y)"
    is linorder_class.not_less_iff_gr_or_eq.

tts_lemma max_min_distrib2:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U"
  shows "max a (min b c) = min (max a b) (max a c)"
    is linorder_class.max_min_distrib2.

tts_lemma max_min_distrib1:
  assumes "b  U" and "c  U" and "a  U"
  shows "max (min b c) a = min (max b a) (max c a)"
    is linorder_class.max_min_distrib1.

tts_lemma min_max_distrib2:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U"
  shows "min a (max b c) = max (min a b) (min a c)"
    is linorder_class.min_max_distrib2.

tts_lemma min_max_distrib1:
  assumes "b  U" and "c  U" and "a  U"
  shows "min (max b c) a = max (min b a) (min c a)"
    is linorder_class.min_max_distrib1.

tts_lemma atLeastAtMost_diff_ends:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U"
  shows "{a..owb} - {a, b} = {a<ow..<owb}"
    is linorder_class.atLeastAtMost_diff_ends.

tts_lemma less_max_iff_disj:
  assumes "z  U" and "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(z <ow max x y) = (z <ow x  z <ow y)"
    is linorder_class.less_max_iff_disj.

tts_lemma min_less_iff_conj:
  assumes "z  U" and "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(z <ow min x y) = (z <ow x  z <ow y)"
    is linorder_class.min_less_iff_conj.

tts_lemma max_less_iff_conj:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U" and "z  U"
  shows "(max x y <ow z) = (x <ow z  y <ow z)"
    is linorder_class.max_less_iff_conj.

tts_lemma min_less_iff_disj:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U" and "z  U"
  shows "(min x y <ow z) = (x <ow z  y <ow z)"
    is linorder_class.min_less_iff_disj.

tts_lemma le_max_iff_disj:
  assumes "z  U" and "x  U" and "y  U"
  shows "(z ow max x y) = (z ow x  z ow y)"
    is linorder_class.le_max_iff_disj.

tts_lemma min_le_iff_disj:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U" and "z  U"
  shows "(min x y ow z) = (x ow z  y ow z)"
    is linorder_class.min_le_iff_disj.

tts_lemma antisym_conv3:
  assumes "y  U" and "x  U" and "¬ y <ow x"
  shows "(¬ x <ow y) = (x = y)"
    is linorder_class.antisym_conv3.

tts_lemma Int_atLeastAtMost:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "{a..owb}  {c..owd} = {max a c..owmin b d}"
    is linorder_class.Int_atLeastAtMost.

tts_lemma Int_atLeastLessThan:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
    "(on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {a..<b})  (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {c..<d}) = 
      (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {(max a c)..<(min b d)})"
    is linorder_class.Int_atLeastLessThan.

tts_lemma Int_greaterThanAtMost:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "{a<ow..b}  {c<ow..d} = {max a c<ow..min b d}"
    is linorder_class.Int_greaterThanAtMost.

tts_lemma Int_greaterThanLessThan:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "{a<ow..<owb}  {c<ow..<owd} = {max a c<ow..<owmin b d}"
    is linorder_class.Int_greaterThanLessThan.

tts_lemma le_cases:
  assumes "x  U" and "y  U" and "x ow y  P" and "y ow x  P"
  shows P
    is linorder_class.le_cases.

tts_lemma split_max:
  assumes "i  U" and "j  U"
  shows "P (max i j) = ((i ow j  P j)  (¬ i ow j  P i))"
    is linorder_class.split_max.

tts_lemma split_min:
  assumes "i  U" and "j  U"
  shows "P (min i j) = ((i ow j  P i)  (¬ i ow j  P j))"
    is linorder_class.split_min.

tts_lemma Ioc_subset_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..b}  {c<ow..d}) = (b ow a  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is linorder_class.Ioc_subset_iff.

tts_lemma atLeastLessThan_subset_iff:
  assumes "a  U"
    and "b  U"
    and "c  U"
    and "d  U"
    and "(on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {a..<b})  (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {c..<d})"
  shows "b ow a  b ow d  c ow a"
    is linorder_class.atLeastLessThan_subset_iff.

tts_lemma Ioc_inj:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..b} = {c<ow..d}) = (b ow a  d ow c  a = c  b = d)"
    is linorder_class.Ioc_inj.

tts_lemma neqE:
  assumes "x  U"
    and "y  U"
    and "x  y"
    and "x <ow y  R"
    and "y <ow x  R"
  shows R
    is linorder_class.neqE.

tts_lemma Ioc_disjoint:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
    "({a<ow..b}  {c<ow..d} = {}) = (b ow a  d ow c  b ow c  d ow a)"
    is linorder_class.Ioc_disjoint.

tts_lemma linorder_cases:
  assumes "x  U"
    and "y  U"
    and "x <ow y  P"
    and "x = y  P"
    and "y <ow x  P"
  shows P
    is linorder_class.linorder_cases.

tts_lemma le_cases3:
  assumes "x  U"
    and "y  U"
    and "z  U"
    and "x ow y; y ow z  P"
    and "y ow x; x ow z  P"
    and "x ow z; z ow y  P"
    and "z ow y; y ow x  P"
    and "y ow z; z ow x  P"
    and "z ow x; x ow y  P"
  shows P
    is linorder_class.le_cases3.



subsection‹Dense linear orders›

subsubsection‹Definitions and further properties›

locale dense_linorder_ow = linorder_ow U le ls + dense_order_ow U le ls
  for U :: "'ao set" and le (infix ow 50) and ls (infix <ow 50)

subsubsection‹Transfer rules›

  includes lifting_syntax

lemma dense_linorder_transfer[transfer_rule]:
  assumes [transfer_rule]: "bi_unique A" "right_total A" 
    "((A ===> A ===> (=)) ===> (A ===> A ===> (=))  ===> (=)) 
      (dense_linorder_ow (Collect (Domainp A))) class.dense_linorder"
  unfolding dense_linorder_ow_def class.dense_linorder_def
  apply transfer_prover_start
  apply transfer_step+
  by auto



context dense_linorder_ow 

  tts: (?'a to U)
  rewriting ctr_simps
  substituting dense_linorder_ow_axioms
  eliminating through simp

tts_lemma infinite_Icc:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "a <ow b"
  shows "infinite {a..owb}"
    is dense_linorder_class.infinite_Icc.

tts_lemma infinite_Ico:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "a <ow b"
  shows "infinite (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {a..<b})"
    is dense_linorder_class.infinite_Ico.

tts_lemma infinite_Ioc:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "a <ow b"
  shows "infinite {a<ow..b}"
    is dense_linorder_class.infinite_Ioc.

tts_lemma infinite_Ioo:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "a <ow b"
  shows "infinite {a<ow..<owb}"
    is dense_linorder_class.infinite_Ioo.

tts_lemma atLeastLessThan_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
    "((on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {a..<b})  {c..owd}) = 
      (a <ow b  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.atLeastLessThan_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff.

tts_lemma greaterThanAtMost_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..b}  {c..owd}) = (a <ow b  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.greaterThanAtMost_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff.

tts_lemma greaterThanAtMost_subseteq_atLeastLessThan_iff:
  assumes "a  U"
    and "b  U"
    and "c  U"
    and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..b}  (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {c..<d})) = 
    (a <ow b  b <ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.greaterThanAtMost_subseteq_atLeastLessThan_iff.

tts_lemma greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..<owb}  {c..owd}) = (a <ow b  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_atLeastAtMost_iff.

tts_lemma greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_atLeastLessThan_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
    "({a<ow..<owb}  (on U with (≤ow) (<ow) : {c..<d})) = 
      (a <ow b  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_atLeastLessThan_iff.

tts_lemma greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_greaterThanAtMost_iff:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..<owb}  {c<ow..d}) = (a <ow b  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_greaterThanAtMost_iff.

tts_lemma greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_greaterThanLessThan:
  assumes "a  U" and "b  U" and "c  U" and "d  U"
  shows "({a<ow..<owb}  {c<ow..<owd}) = (a <ow b  b ow d  c ow a)"
    is dense_linorder_class.greaterThanLessThan_subseteq_greaterThanLessThan.



