File ‹random.ML›

(*  Title:      SpecCheck/random.ML
    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn and Nicolai Schaffroth, TU Muenchen
    Author:     Christopher League

A Lehmer random number generator:
We use int to avoid any float imprecision problems (and the seed is an int anyway).
The parameters "a" and "m" are selected according to the recommendation in above article;
they are an an improved version of the so-called "minimal standard" (MINSTD) generator.

This file only contains those functions that rely on the internal integer representation of rand.

  type rand
  (*creates a new random seed*)
  val new : unit -> rand
  (*creates a new random seed from a given one*)
  val next : rand -> rand
  (*use this function for reproducible randomness; inputs ≤ 0 are mapped to 1*)
  val deterministic_seed : int -> rand

  (*returns a real in the unit interval [0;1]; theoretically, with 2^31-2 equidistant discrete
  val real_unit : rand -> real * rand

  (*splits a seed into two new independent seeds*)
  val split : rand -> rand * rand

structure SpecCheck_Random : SPECCHECK_RANDOM  =

type rand = int

val a = 48271
val m = 2147483647 (* 2^31 - 1 *)

fun next seed = (seed * a) mod m

(*TODO: Time is not sufficiently random when polled rapidly!*)
fun new () = ()
  |> Time.toMicroseconds
  |> (fn x => Int.max (1, x mod m)) (*The seed must be within [1;m)*)
  |> next

fun deterministic_seed r = Int.max (1, r mod m)

fun real_unit r = ((Real.fromInt (r - 1)) / (Real.fromInt (m - 2)), next r)

(*TODO: In theory, the current implementation could return two seeds directly adjacent in the
sequence of the pseudorandom number generator. Practically, however, it should be good enough.*)
fun split r =
    val r0 = next r
    val r1 = r - r0
  in (next r0, next r1) end
