File ‹gen_base.ML›

(*  Title:      SpecCheck/Generators/gen_base.ML
    Author:     Lukas Bulwahn and Nicolai Schaffroth, TU Muenchen
    Author:     Christopher League

Basic utility functions to create and combine generators.


  (*generator that always returns the passed value*)
  val return : 'a -> ('a, 's) gen_state
  val join : (('a, 's) gen_state, 's) gen_state -> ('a, 's) gen_state

  val zip : ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state -> ('a * 'b, 's) gen_state
  val zip3 : ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state -> ('c, 's) gen_state ->
    ('a * 'b * 'c, 's) gen_state
  val zip4 : ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state -> ('c, 's) gen_state -> ('d, 's) gen_state ->
    ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd, 's) gen_state
  val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state
  val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state -> ('c, 's) gen_state
  val map3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state ->
    ('c, 's) gen_state -> ('d, 's) gen_state
  val map4 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('b, 's) gen_state ->
    ('c, 's) gen_state -> ('d, 's) gen_state -> ('e, 's) gen_state

  (*ensures that all generated values fulfill the predicate; loops if the predicate is never
    satisfied by the generated values.*)
  val filter : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a, 's) gen_state
  val filter_bounded : int -> ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a, 's) gen_state

  (*bernoulli random variable with parameter p ∈ [0,1]*)
  val bernoulli : real -> bool gen

  (*random variable following a binomial distribution with parameters p ∈ [0,1] and n ≥ 0*)
  val binom_dist : real -> int -> int gen

  (*range_int (x,y) r returns a value in [x;y]*)
  val range_int : int * int -> int gen

  (*randomly generates one of the given values*)
  val elements : 'a vector -> 'a gen
  (*randomly uses one of the given generators*)
  val one_of : 'a gen vector -> 'a gen

  (*randomly generates one of the given values*)
  val elementsL : 'a list -> 'a gen
  (*randomly uses one of the given generators*)
  val one_ofL : 'a gen list -> 'a gen

  (*chooses one of the given generators with a weighted random distribution.*)
  val one_ofW : (int * 'a gen) vector -> 'a gen
  (*chooses one of the given values with a weighted random distribution.*)
  val elementsW : (int * 'a) vector -> 'a gen

  (*chooses one of the given generators with a weighted random distribution.*)
  val one_ofWL : (int * 'a gen) list -> 'a gen
  (*chooses one of the given values with a weighted random distribution.*)
  val elementsWL : (int * 'a) list -> 'a gen

  (*creates a vector of length as returned by the passed int generator*)
  val vector : (int, 's) gen_state -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a vector, 's) gen_state

  (*creates a list of length as returned by the passed int generator*)
  val list : (int, 's) gen_state -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a list, 's) gen_state

  (*generates elements until the passed (generator) predicate fails;
    returns a list of all values that satisfied the predicate*)
  val unfold_while : ('a -> (bool, 's) gen_state) -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a list, 's) gen_state
  (*generates a random permutation of the given list*)
  val shuffle : 'a list -> 'a list gen

  (*generates SOME value if passed bool generator returns true and NONE otherwise*)
  val option : (bool, 's) gen_state -> ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a option, 's) gen_state

  (*seq gen init_state creates a sequence where gen takes a state and returns the next element and
    an updated state. The sequence stops when the first NONE value is returned by the generator.*)
  val seq : ('a option, 's * SpecCheck_Random.rand) gen_state -> 's -> ('a Seq.seq) gen

  (*creates a generator that returns all elements of the sequence in order*)
  val of_seq : ('a option, 'a Seq.seq) gen_state

  val unit : (unit, 's) gen_state
  val ref_gen : ('a, 's) gen_state -> ('a Unsynchronized.ref, 's) gen_state

  (*variant i g creates the ith variant of a given generator. It raises an error if i is negative.*)
  val variant : (int, 'b) cogen
  val cobool : (bool, 'b) cogen
  val colist : ('a, 'b) cogen -> ('a list, 'b) cogen
  val cooption : ('a, 'b) cogen -> ('a option, 'b) cogen


structure SpecCheck_Gen_Base : SPECCHECK_GEN_BASE =

open SpecCheck_Gen_Types

val return = pair
fun join g = g #> (fn (g', r') => g' r')

fun zip g1 g2 =
  g1 #-> (fn x1 => g2 #-> (fn x2 => pair (x1, x2)))
fun zip3 g1 g2 g3 =
  zip g1 (zip g2 g3) #-> (fn (x1, (x2, x3)) => pair (x1, x2, x3))
fun zip4 g1 g2 g3 g4 =
  zip (zip g1 g2) (zip g3 g4) #-> (fn ((x1, x2), (x3, x4)) => pair (x1, x2, x3, x4))

fun map f g = g #>> f
fun map2 f = map (uncurry f) oo zip
fun map3 f = map (fn (a,b,c) => f a b c) ooo zip3
fun map4 f = map (fn (a,b,c,d) => f a b c d) oooo zip4

fun filter p gen r =
  let fun loop (x, r) = if p x then (x, r) else loop (gen r)
  in loop (gen r) end

fun filter_bounded bound p gen r =
  let fun loop 0 _ = raise Fail "Generator failed to satisfy predicate"
        | loop n (x, r) = if p x then (x, r) else loop (n-1) (gen r)
  in loop bound (gen r) end

fun bernoulli p r = let val (x,r) = SpecCheck_Random.real_unit r in (x <= p, r) end

fun binom_dist p n r =
    fun binom_dist_unchecked _ 0 r = (0, r)
      | binom_dist_unchecked p n r =
        let fun int_of_bool b = if b then 1 else 0
          bernoulli p r
          |>> int_of_bool
          ||> binom_dist_unchecked p (n-1)
          |> (fn (x,(acc,r)) => (acc + x, r))
   in if n < 0 then raise Domain else binom_dist_unchecked p n r end

fun range_int (min, max) r =
  if min > max
  then raise Fail (SpecCheck_Util.spaces ["Range_Int:", string_of_int min, ">", string_of_int max])
    SpecCheck_Random.real_unit r
    |>> (fn s => Int.min (min + Real.floor (s * Real.fromInt (max - min + 1)), max))

fun one_of v r =
  let val (i, r) = range_int (0, Vector.length v - 1) r
  in Vector.sub (v, i) r end

datatype ('a,'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
fun one_ofW (v : (int * 'a gen) vector) r =
    val weight_total = Vector.foldl (fn ((freq,_),acc) => freq + acc) 0 v
    fun selectGen _ (_, Right gen) = Right gen
      | selectGen rand ((weight, gen), Left acc) =
      let val acc = acc + weight
      in if acc < rand
         then Left acc
         else Right gen
    val (threshhold, r) = range_int (1, weight_total) r
    val gen = case Vector.foldl (selectGen threshhold) (Left 0) v of
        Right gen => gen
      | _ => raise Fail "Error in one_ofW - did you pass an empty vector or invalid frequencies?"
  in gen r end

fun elements v = one_of ( return v)
fun elementsW v = one_ofW ( (fn p => p ||> return) v)

fun one_ofL l = one_of (Vector.fromList l)
fun one_ofWL l = one_ofW (Vector.fromList l)
fun elementsL l = elements (Vector.fromList l)
fun elementsWL l = elementsW (Vector.fromList l)

fun list length_g g r =
  let val (l, r) = length_g r
  in fold_map (K g) (map_range I l) r end

fun unfold_while bool_g_of_elem g r =
    fun unfold_while_accum (xs, r) =
        val (x, r) = g r
        val (continue, r) = bool_g_of_elem x r
        if continue
        then unfold_while_accum (x::xs, r)
        else (xs, r)
  in unfold_while_accum ([], r) |>> rev end

fun shuffle xs r =
    val (ns, r) = list (return (length xs)) SpecCheck_Random.real_unit r
    val real_ord = make_ord (op <=)
    val xs = (ns, xs) |> sort (real_ord o apply2 fst) |> snd
  in (xs, r) end

fun vector length_g g = list length_g g #>> Vector.fromList

fun option bool_g g r =
  case bool_g r of
    (false, r) => (NONE, r)
  | (true, r) => map SOME g r

fun seq gen xq r =
    val (r1, r2) = SpecCheck_Random.split r
    fun gen_next p () = case gen p of
      (NONE, _) => NONE
    | (SOME v, p) => SOME (v, Seq.make (gen_next p))
  in (Seq.make (gen_next (xq, r1)), r2) end

fun of_seq xq = case Seq.pull xq of
    SOME (x, xq) => (SOME x, xq)
  | NONE => (NONE, Seq.empty)

fun unit s = return () s

fun ref_gen gen r = let val (value, r) = gen r
  in (Unsynchronized.ref value, r) end

fun variant i g r =
  if i < 0 then raise Subscript
      fun nth i r =
        let val (r1, r2) = SpecCheck_Random.split r
        in if i = 0 then r1 else nth (i-1) r2 end
    in g (nth i r) end

fun cobool false = variant 0
  | cobool true = variant 1

fun colist _ [] = variant 0
  | colist co (x::xs) = colist co xs o co x o variant 1

fun cooption _ NONE = variant 0
  | cooption co (SOME x) = co x o variant 1
