File ‹Dataspace.ML›

structure Dataspace =

  val achanT = TFree ("'ch", ["HOL.type"])

  fun mk_constant_elements cds =
    let val cfixes = map (fn (n, t) => ( n, SOME t, NoSyn)) cds
    in [ Element.Fixes cfixes ] end;

  (* Produce a list of new elements for a locale to characterise the channels *)
  fun mk_channel_elements exts chds thy = 
    val ctx = Named_Target.theory_init thy
    val chns = map fst chds 
    val chfixes = map (fn (n, t) => ( n, SOME (Prism_Lib.prismT t achanT), NoSyn)) chds
    val wbs    = map (Prism_Lib.mk_wb_prism o chns;
    val simp   = Attrib.check_src ctx (Token.make_src ("simp", Position.none) [])
    val imps   = map (fn e => Locale.check thy (e, Position.none)) exts
    (* List of prisms imported *)
    val ilnsls = map (filter (Prism_Lib.isPrismT o snd) o map fst o Locale.params_of thy) imps
    (* Codependence axioms from imports *)
    val impind = List.concat (map (Lens_Lib.pairsWith chns) (map (map fst) ilnsls))
    val codeps = map (fn (x, y) => Prism_Lib.mk_codep ( x) ( y)) 
                     (Lens_Lib.pairings (chns) @ impind)
  (* Fix each of the channels as prisms *)
  [ Element.Fixes chfixes 
  (* Assume that all prisms are well-behaved and codependent (as in an algebraic datatype) *)
  , Element.Assumes [(( "prisms", [simp])
                     , map (fn wb => (wb, [])) wbs),
                     (( "codeps", [simp])
                     , map (fn dp => (dp, [])) codeps)]

  val CHAN = "CHAN_TYPE"

  fun compile_dataspace nm exts cds assms vds chds thy =
    val imps   = map (fn e => Locale.check thy (e, Position.none)) exts
    (* When extending existing dataspaces, we instantiate their respective state and channel
       types to avoid ambiguity (via a locale "where" clause) *)
    val pinsts = Expression.Named 
                    [(STATE, Logic.mk_type Lens_Lib.astateT)
                    ,(CHAN, Logic.mk_type achanT)]
    val locexs = map (fn i => (i, (("", false), (pinsts, [])))) imps
    (* We also create fixed parameters for the types so they can be instantiated later *)
    val st_par = ( STATE, SOME (Term.itselfT Lens_Lib.astateT), NoSyn)
    val ch_par = ( CHAN, SOME (Term.itselfT achanT), NoSyn)
  (Local_Theory.exit_global o snd o 
  Expression.add_locale ( nm) Binding.empty [] (locexs, []) 
  (mk_constant_elements cds 
   @ [Element.Assumes assms]
   @ Lens_Statespace.mk_statespace_elements vds exts thy
   @ mk_channel_elements exts chds thy
   @ [Element.Fixes [st_par, ch_par]])) thy
  fun dataspace_cmd nm exts cds rassms vds chds thy = 
    val ctx = Named_Target.theory_init thy 
    val assms =
      map (fn (b, td) => (b, map (fn (t, ts) =>
        (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Syntax.parse_term ctx t),
          map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o Syntax.parse_term ctx) ts)) td)) rassms
    compile_dataspace nm exts (map (fn (n, t) =>
      (n, Syntax.read_typ ctx t)) cds) assms (map (fn (n, t) =>
          (n, Syntax.read_typ ctx t)) vds) (map (fn (n, t) => (n, Syntax.read_typ ctx t)) chds) thy

val _ =
  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword dataspace} "define reactive contexts"
    (( --
      ((@{keyword "="} |-- Scan.repeat ( --| @{keyword "+"}))
       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "constants"} |-- Scan.repeat1 ( -- (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.typ))) []
       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "assumes"} |-- Parse.!!! (Parse.and_list1 (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":" -- Scan.repeat1 Parse.propp))) []
       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "variables"} |-- Scan.repeat1 ( -- (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.typ))) []
       -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "channels"} |-- Scan.repeat1 ( -- (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.!!! Parse.typ))) [])
    >> (fn (nm, ((((exts, cds), assms), vds), chds)) => Toplevel.theory (dataspace_cmd nm exts cds assms vds chds))))
