File ‹Nano_JSON_Type.ML›
structure Nano_Json_Type : NANO_JSON_TYPE = struct
datatype NUMBER = INTEGER of int | REAL of IEEEReal.decimal_approx
datatype json = OBJECT of (string * json) list
| ARRAY of json list
| STRING of string
| BOOL of bool
fun ieee_real_to_rat_approx verbose (rat:IEEEReal.decimal_approx) = let
val _ = if verbose
then warning ("Conversion of real numbers is not JSON compliant.")
else ()
fun pow (_, 0) = 1
| pow (x, n) = if n mod 2 = 0 then pow (x*x, n div 2)
else x * pow (x*x, n div 2);
fun rat_of_dec rat = let
val sign = #sign rat
val digits = #digits rat
val exp = #exp rat
fun numerator_of _ [] = 0
| numerator_of c (x::xs) = x*pow(10,c) + (numerator_of (c+1) xs)
val numerator_abs = numerator_of 0 (rev digits)
val denominator = pow(10, (List.length digits - exp))
(if sign then ~ numerator_abs else numerator_abs, denominator)
case #class rat of
IEEEReal.ZERO => (0,0)
| IEEEReal.SUBNORMAL => rat_of_dec rat
| IEEEReal.NORMAL => rat_of_dec rat
| IEEEReal.INF => error "Real is INF, not yet supported."
| IEEEReal.NAN => error "Real is NaN, not yet supported."
fun mk_funT typ = Type("fun", typ)
fun divide_classC realT = Const(@{const_name Rings.divide_class.divide} , mk_funT [realT, mk_funT [realT, realT]])
fun mk_divide realT t1 t2 = (divide_classC realT) $ t1 $ t2
fun mk_real_num realT i = HOLogic.mk_number realT i
fun mk_real realT (p,q) = if q = 1 then mk_real_num realT p
else if (p = 0 andalso q = 0) then mk_real_num realT 0
else mk_divide realT (mk_real_num realT p) (mk_real_num realT q)
fun term_of_real verbose r = (mk_real HOLogic.realT (ieee_real_to_rat_approx verbose r))
fun dest_real (Const(@{const_name Rings.divide_class.divide} , _)$a$b) =
Real.toDecimal(Real.fromInt(HOLogic.dest_number a |> snd)
/ Real.fromInt(HOLogic.dest_number b |> snd))
| dest_real t = Real.toDecimal (Real.fromInt (HOLogic.dest_number t |> snd))
fun json_real_of_term r = (NUMBER (REAL (dest_real r)))
fun json_int_of_term i = (NUMBER (INTEGER (snd (HOLogic.dest_number i))))
fun json_string_of_term s = STRING (HOLogic.dest_string s)
fun json_string_literal_of_term s = STRING (HOLogic.dest_literal s)
fun mk_jsonT stringT numberT = Type(@{type_name "json"},[stringT, numberT])
fun mk_json_object stringT numberT = Const(@{const_name OBJECT}, mk_funT [
HOLogic.listT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (stringT, mk_jsonT stringT numberT)), mk_jsonT stringT numberT])
fun mk_str (@{typ "string"}) s = HOLogic.mk_string s
| mk_str (@{typ "String.literal"}) s = HOLogic.mk_literal s
| mk_str _ _ = error "String type not supported"
fun mk_json_array stringT numberT = Const(@{const_name "ARRAY"}, mk_funT [HOLogic.listT (mk_jsonT stringT numberT), mk_jsonT stringT numberT])
fun mk_json_number stringT numberT = Const(@{const_name "NUMBER"}, mk_funT [numberT, mk_jsonT stringT numberT])
fun mk_json_string stringT numberT = Const(@{const_name "STRING"}, mk_funT [stringT, mk_jsonT stringT numberT])
fun mk_json_bool stringT numberT = Const(@{const_name "BOOL"}, mk_funT [@{typ bool}, mk_jsonT stringT numberT])
fun mk_json_null stringT numberT = Const(@{const_name "NULL"}, mk_jsonT stringT numberT)
fun fix_tilde_sign s = String.implode (map (fn #"~" => #"-" | c => c)
(String.explode s))
fun mk_number _ @{typ "int"} (INTEGER i) = HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "int"} i
| mk_number _ @{typ "nat"} (INTEGER i) = if i >= 0 then HOLogic.mk_number @{typ "nat"} i
else error "mk_number: JSON contains negative number and target is nat."
| mk_number _ @{typ "int"} (REAL r) = error (String.concat["mk_number: JSON contains real number and target is nat or int: ",
IEEEReal.toString r])
| mk_number verbose (Type("Real.real",[])) (INTEGER i) = term_of_real verbose (Real.toDecimal (Real.fromInt i))
| mk_number verbose (Type("Real.real",[])) (REAL r) = term_of_real verbose r
| mk_number _ @{typ "string"} n = (case n of
(INTEGER i) => Int.toString i |> fix_tilde_sign |> HOLogic.mk_string
| (REAL r) => IEEEReal.toString r |> fix_tilde_sign |> HOLogic.mk_string
| mk_number _ @{typ "String.literal"} n = (case n of
(INTEGER i) => HOLogic.mk_literal (Int.toString i |> fix_tilde_sign)
| (REAL r) => HOLogic.mk_literal (IEEEReal.toString r |> fix_tilde_sign)
| mk_number _ _ _ = error "mk_number: type not supported"
fun dest_funT (Type ("fun", [d,_])) = d
| dest_funT _ = error "Unkown ERROR in dest_funT."
fun json_of_number t n = case dest_funT t of
(@{typ "int"}) => json_int_of_term n
| (@{typ "nat"}) => json_int_of_term n
| (Type("Real.real" , [])) => json_real_of_term n
| (@{typ "string"}) => json_string_of_term n
| (@{typ "String.literal"}) => json_string_literal_of_term n
| (Type(x,_)) => error (String.concat["ERROR in json_of_number: ", x] )
| _ => error "Unknown ERROR in json_of_number."
fun json_of_string t s =
case dest_funT t of
(@{typ "string"}) => json_string_of_term s
| (@{typ "String.literal"}) => json_string_literal_of_term s
| (Type(x,_)) => error (String.concat["ERROR in json_of_string: ", x] )
| _ => error "Unknown ERROR in json_of_string."
fun term_of_json verbose strT numT (OBJECT l) = mk_json_object strT numT
$(HOLogic.mk_list ((HOLogic.mk_prodT (strT, mk_jsonT strT numT )))
(map (fn (s,j) => HOLogic.mk_tuple[mk_str strT s, term_of_json verbose strT numT j]) l))
| term_of_json verbose strT numT (ARRAY l) = mk_json_array strT numT
$(HOLogic.mk_list ( mk_jsonT strT numT) (map (term_of_json verbose strT numT) l))
| term_of_json verbose strT numT (NUMBER n) = (mk_json_number strT numT)$(mk_number verbose numT n)
| term_of_json _ strT numT (STRING s) = (mk_json_string strT numT)$(mk_str strT s)
| term_of_json _ strT numT (BOOL v) = (mk_json_bool strT numT)$(if v then @{const "True"} else @{const "False"})
| term_of_json _ strT numT (NULL) = mk_json_null strT numT
fun string_of_typ (Type (s, _)) = s
| string_of_typ (TFree (s, _)) = s
| string_of_typ (TVar ((s,_), _)) = s;
fun json_of_term t = let
fun dest_key_value [string, json] = ((HOLogic.dest_string string, json_of json)
handle TERM _ => (HOLogic.dest_literal string, json_of json))
| dest_key_value _ = error "dest_key_value: not a key-value pair."
and json_of (Const(@{const_name "OBJECT"}, _) $ l) = OBJECT (map (dest_key_value o HOLogic.strip_tuple) (HOLogic.dest_list l))
| json_of (Const(@{const_name "ARRAY"}, _) $ l) = ARRAY (map json_of (HOLogic.dest_list l))
| json_of (Const(@{const_name "NUMBER"}, numT) $ n ) = json_of_number numT n
| json_of (Const(@{const_name "STRING"}, stringT) $ s) = json_of_string stringT s
| json_of (Const(@{const_name "BOOL"}, _) $ @{const "True"}) = BOOL true
| json_of (Const(@{const_name "BOOL"}, _) $ @{const "False"}) = BOOL false
| json_of (Const(@{const_name "NULL"}, _)) = NULL
| json_of t = error (String.concat ["Term not supported in json_of_term: ", string_of_typ (type_of t)])
case type_of t of
Type("Nano_JSON.json",[_,_]) => json_of t
| _ => error (String.concat ["Term not of type json: ", string_of_typ (type_of t)])