File ‹Nano_JSON_Lexer.ML›
structure Nano_Json_Lexer : NANO_JSON_LEXER = struct
structure T = struct
datatype token = NUMBER of char list
| STRING of string
| BOOL of bool
fun string_of_T t =
case t of NUMBER digits => String.implode digits
| STRING s => s
| BOOL b => Bool.toString b
| NULL => "null"
| CURLY_L => "{"
| CURLY_R => "}"
| SQUARE_L => "["
| SQUARE_R => "]"
| COLON => ":"
| COMMA => ","
fun lexer_error pos text = error (text ^ " at character position " ^
Int.toString (pos - 1))
fun token_error pos = lexer_error pos ("Unexpected token")
fun bmp_to_utf8 cp = map (Char.chr o Word.toInt)
(if cp < 0wx80
then [cp]
else if cp < 0wx800
then [Word.orb(0wxc0, Word.>>(cp,0w6)),
Word.orb(0wx8, Word.andb (cp, 0wx3f))]
else if cp < 0wx10000
then [Word.orb(0wxe0,Word.>>(cp, 0w12)),
Word.orb(0wx80, Word.andb(Word.>>(cp,0w6), 0wx3f)),
Word.orb(0wx80,Word.andb(cp, 0wx3f))]
else error ("Invalid BMP point in bmp_to_utf8 " ^ (Word.toString cp)))
fun lexNull pos acc (#"u" :: #"l" :: #"l" :: xs) =
lex (pos + 3) (T.NULL :: acc) xs
| lexNull pos _ _ = token_error pos
and lexTrue pos acc (#"r" :: #"u" :: #"e" :: xs) =
lex (pos + 3) (T.BOOL true :: acc) xs
| lexTrue pos _ _ = token_error pos
and lexFalse pos acc (#"a" :: #"l" :: #"s" :: #"e" :: xs) =
lex (pos + 4) (T.BOOL false :: acc) xs
| lexFalse pos _ _ = token_error pos
and lexChar tok pos acc xs =
lex pos (tok :: acc) xs
and lexString pos acc cc =
let datatype escaped = ESCAPED | NORMAL
fun lexString' pos _ ESCAPED [] =
lexer_error pos "End of input during escape sequence"
| lexString' pos _ NORMAL [] =
lexer_error pos "End of input during string"
| lexString' pos text ESCAPED (x :: xs) =
let fun esc c = lexString' (pos + 1) (c :: text) NORMAL xs
in case x of
#"\"" => esc x
| #"\\" => esc x
| #"/" => esc x
| #"b" => esc #"\b"
| #"f" => esc #"\f"
| #"n" => esc #"\n"
| #"r" => esc #"\r"
| #"t" => esc #"\t"
| _ => lexer_error pos ("Invalid escape \\" ^
Char.toString x)
| lexString' pos text NORMAL (#"\\" :: #"u" ::a::b::c::d:: xs) =
if List.all Char.isHexDigit [a,b,c,d]
then case Word.fromString ("0wx" ^ (String.implode [a,b,c,d])) of
SOME w => (let val utf = rev (bmp_to_utf8 w) in
lexString' (pos + 6) (utf @ text)
handle Fail err => lexer_error pos err)
| NONE => lexer_error pos "Invalid Unicode BMP escape sequence"
else lexer_error pos "Invalid Unicode BMP escape sequence"
| lexString' pos text NORMAL (x :: xs) =
if Char.ord x < 0x20
then lexer_error pos "Invalid unescaped control character"
case x of
#"\"" => (rev text, xs, pos + 1)
| #"\\" => lexString' (pos + 1) text ESCAPED xs
| _ => lexString' (pos + 1) (x :: text) NORMAL xs
val (text, rest, newpos) = lexString' pos [] NORMAL cc
lex newpos (T.STRING (String.implode text) :: acc) rest
and lexNumber firstChar pos acc cc =
let val valid = String.explode ".+-e"
fun lexNumber' pos digits [] = (rev digits, [], pos)
| lexNumber' pos digits (x :: xs) =
if x = #"E" then lexNumber' (pos + 1) (#"e" :: digits) xs
else if Char.isDigit x orelse List.exists (fn c => x = c) valid
then lexNumber' (pos + 1) (x :: digits) xs
else (rev digits, x :: xs, pos)
val (digits, rest, newpos) =
lexNumber' (pos - 1) [] (firstChar :: cc)
case digits of
[] => token_error pos
| _ => lex newpos (T.NUMBER digits :: acc) rest
and lex _ acc [] = rev acc
| lex pos acc (x::xs) =
(case x of
#" " => lex
| #"\t" => lex
| #"\n" => lex
| #"\r" => lex
| #"{" => lexChar T.CURLY_L
| #"}" => lexChar T.CURLY_R
| #"[" => lexChar T.SQUARE_L
| #"]" => lexChar T.SQUARE_R
| #":" => lexChar T.COLON
| #"," => lexChar T.COMMA
| #"\"" => lexString
| #"t" => lexTrue
| #"f" => lexFalse
| #"n" => lexNull
| x => lexNumber x) (pos + 1) acc xs
fun tokenize_string str = lex 1 [] (String.explode str)