Theory PreSimplyTyped

theory PreSimplyTyped
imports Fresh Permutation

type_synonym tvar = nat

datatype type =
| TVar tvar
| TArr type type
| TPair type type

datatype 'a ptrm =
| PVar 'a
| PApp "'a ptrm" "'a ptrm"
| PFn 'a type "'a ptrm"
| PPair "'a ptrm" "'a ptrm"
| PFst "'a ptrm"
| PSnd "'a ptrm"

fun ptrm_fvs :: "'a ptrm  'a set" where
  "ptrm_fvs PUnit = {}"
| "ptrm_fvs (PVar x) = {x}"
| "ptrm_fvs (PApp A B) = ptrm_fvs A  ptrm_fvs B"
| "ptrm_fvs (PFn x _ A) = ptrm_fvs A - {x}"
| "ptrm_fvs (PPair A B) = ptrm_fvs A  ptrm_fvs B"
| "ptrm_fvs (PFst P) = ptrm_fvs P"
| "ptrm_fvs (PSnd P) = ptrm_fvs P"

fun ptrm_apply_prm :: "'a prm  'a ptrm  'a ptrm" (infixr "" 150) where
  "ptrm_apply_prm π PUnit = PUnit"
| "ptrm_apply_prm π (PVar x) = PVar (π $ x)"
| "ptrm_apply_prm π (PApp A B) = PApp (ptrm_apply_prm π A) (ptrm_apply_prm π B)"
| "ptrm_apply_prm π (PFn x T A) = PFn (π $ x) T (ptrm_apply_prm π A)"
| "ptrm_apply_prm π (PPair A B) = PPair (ptrm_apply_prm π A) (ptrm_apply_prm π B)"
| "ptrm_apply_prm π (PFst P) = PFst (ptrm_apply_prm π P)"
| "ptrm_apply_prm π (PSnd P) = PSnd (ptrm_apply_prm π P)"

inductive ptrm_alpha_equiv :: "'a ptrm  'a ptrm  bool" (infix "" 100) where
  unit:       "PUnit  PUnit"
| var:        "(PVar x)  (PVar x)"
| app:        "A  B; C  D  (PApp A C)  (PApp B D)"
| fn1:        "A  B  (PFn x T A)  (PFn x T B)"
| fn2:        "a  b; A  [a  b]  B; a  ptrm_fvs B  (PFn a T A)  (PFn b T B)"
| pair:       "A  B; C  D  (PPair A C)  (PPair B D)"
| fst:        "A  B  PFst A  PFst B"
| snd:        "A  B  PSnd A  PSnd B"

inductive_cases unitE: "PUnit  Y"
inductive_cases varE:  "PVar x  Y"
inductive_cases appE:  "PApp A B  Y"
inductive_cases fnE:   "PFn x T A  Y"
inductive_cases pairE: "PPair A B  Y"
inductive_cases fstE:  "PFst P  Y"
inductive_cases sndE:  "PSnd P  Y"

lemma ptrm_prm_apply_id:
  shows "ε  X = X"
by(induction X, simp_all add: prm_apply_id)

lemma ptrm_prm_apply_compose:
  shows "π  σ  X = (π  σ)  X"
by(induction X, simp_all add: prm_apply_composition)

lemma ptrm_size_prm:
  shows "size X = size (π  X)"
by(induction X, auto)

lemma ptrm_size_alpha_equiv:
  assumes "X  Y"
  shows "size X = size Y"
using assms proof(induction rule: ptrm_alpha_equiv.induct)
  case (fn2 a b A B T)
    hence "size A = size B" using ptrm_size_prm by metis
    thus ?case by auto
qed auto

lemma ptrm_fvs_finite:
  shows "finite (ptrm_fvs X)"
by(induction X, auto)

lemma ptrm_prm_fvs:
  shows "ptrm_fvs (π  X) = π {$} ptrm_fvs X"
proof(induction X)
  case (PUnit)
    thus ?case unfolding prm_set_def by simp
  case (PVar x)
    have "ptrm_fvs (π  PVar x) = ptrm_fvs (PVar (π $ x))" by simp
    moreover have "... = {π $ x}" by simp
    moreover have "... = π {$} {x}" using prm_set_singleton by metis
    moreover have "... = π {$} ptrm_fvs (PVar x)" by simp
    ultimately show ?case by metis
  case (PApp A B)
    have "ptrm_fvs (π  PApp A B) = ptrm_fvs (PApp (π  A) (π  B))" by simp
    moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs (π  A)  ptrm_fvs (π  B)" by simp
    moreover have "... = π {$} ptrm_fvs A  π {$} ptrm_fvs B" using PApp.IH by metis
    moreover have "... = π {$} (ptrm_fvs A  ptrm_fvs B)" using prm_set_distributes_union by metis
    moreover have "... = π {$} ptrm_fvs (PApp A B)" by simp
    ultimately show ?case by metis
  case (PFn x T A)
    have "ptrm_fvs (π  PFn x T A) = ptrm_fvs (PFn (π $ x) T (π  A))" by simp
    moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs (π  A) - {π $ x}" by simp
    moreover have "... = π {$} ptrm_fvs A - {π $ x}" using PFn.IH by metis
    moreover have "... = π {$} ptrm_fvs A - π {$} {x}" using prm_set_singleton by metis
    moreover have "... = π {$} (ptrm_fvs A - {x})" using prm_set_distributes_difference by metis
    moreover have "... = π {$} ptrm_fvs (PFn x T A)" by simp
    ultimately show ?case by metis
  case (PPair A B)
    thus ?case
      using prm_set_distributes_union ptrm_apply_prm.simps(5) ptrm_fvs.simps(5)
      by fastforce
  case (PFst P)
    thus ?case by auto
  case (PSnd P)
    thus ?case by auto

lemma ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs:
  assumes "X  Y"
  shows "ptrm_fvs X = ptrm_fvs Y"
using assms proof(induction rule: ptrm_alpha_equiv.induct)
  case (fn2 a b A B T)
    have "ptrm_fvs (PFn a T A) = ptrm_fvs A - {a}" by simp
    moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs ([a  b]  B) - {a}" using fn2.IH by metis
    moreover have "... = ([a  b] {$} ptrm_fvs B) - {a}" using ptrm_prm_fvs by metis
    moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs B - {b}"  proof -
      consider "b  ptrm_fvs B" | "b  ptrm_fvs B" by auto
      thus ?thesis proof(cases)
        case 1
          have "[a  b] {$} ptrm_fvs B - {a} = [b  a] {$} ptrm_fvs B - {a}" using prm_unit_commutes by metis
          moreover have "... = ((ptrm_fvs B - {b})  {a}) - {a}"
            using prm_set_unit_action b  ptrm_fvs B a  ptrm_fvs B by metis
          moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs B - {b}" using a  ptrm_fvs B a  b
            using Diff_insert0 Diff_insert2 Un_insert_right insert_Diff1 insert_is_Un singletonI
              sup_bot.right_neutral by blast (* why?! *)
          ultimately show ?thesis by metis
        case 2
          hence "[a  b] {$} ptrm_fvs B - {a} = ptrm_fvs B - {a}"
            using prm_set_unit_inaction a  ptrm_fvs B by metis
          moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs B" using a  ptrm_fvs B by simp
          moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs B - {b}" using b  ptrm_fvs B by simp
          ultimately show ?thesis by metis
    moreover have "... = ptrm_fvs (PFn b T B)" by simp
    ultimately show ?case by metis
qed auto

lemma ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm:
  assumes "X  Y"
  shows "π  X  π  Y"
using assms proof(induction rule: ptrm_alpha_equiv.induct)
  case (unit)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.unit by simp
  case (var x)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.var by simp
  case (app A B C D)
    thus ?case using by simp
  case (fn1 A B x T)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn1 by simp
  case (fn2 a b A B T)
    have "π $ a  π $ b" using a  b using prm_apply_unequal by metis
    moreover have "π $ a  ptrm_fvs (π  B)" using a  ptrm_fvs B
      using imageE prm_apply_unequal prm_set_def ptrm_prm_fvs by (metis (no_types, lifting))
    moreover have "π  A  [π $ a  π $ b]  π  B"
      using fn2.IH prm_compose_push ptrm_prm_apply_compose by metis
    ultimately show ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2 by simp
  case (pair A B C D)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.pair by simp
  case (fst A B)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fst by simp
  case (snd A B)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.snd by simp

lemma ptrm_swp_transfer:
  shows "[a  b]  X  Y  X  [a  b]  Y"
proof -
  have 1: "[a  b]  X  Y  X  [a  b]  Y"
  proof -
    assume "[a  b]  X  Y"
    hence "ε  X  [a  b]  Y"
      using ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm ptrm_prm_apply_compose prm_unit_involution by metis
    thus ?thesis using ptrm_prm_apply_id by metis
  have 2: "X  [a  b]  Y  [a  b]  X  Y"
  proof -
    assume "X  [a  b]  Y"
    hence "[a  b]  X  ε  Y"
      using ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm ptrm_prm_apply_compose prm_unit_involution by metis
    thus ?thesis using ptrm_prm_apply_id by metis
  from 1 and 2 show "[a  b]  X  Y  X  [a  b]  Y" by blast

lemma ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs_transfer:
  assumes "A  [a  b]  B" and "a  ptrm_fvs B"
  shows "b  ptrm_fvs A"
proof -
  from A  [a  b]  B have "[a  b]  A  B" using ptrm_swp_transfer by metis
  hence "ptrm_fvs B = [a  b] {$} ptrm_fvs A"
    using ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs ptrm_prm_fvs by metis
  hence "a  [a  b] {$} ptrm_fvs A" using a  ptrm_fvs B by metis
  hence "b  [a  b] {$} ([a  b] {$} ptrm_fvs A)"
    using prm_set_notmembership prm_unit_action by metis
  thus ?thesis using prm_set_apply_compose prm_unit_involution prm_set_id by metis

lemma ptrm_prm_agreement_equiv:
  assumes "a. a  ds π σ  a  ptrm_fvs M"
  shows "π  M  σ  M"
using assms proof(induction M arbitrary: π σ)
  case (PUnit)
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.unit by simp
  case (PVar x)
    consider "x  ds π σ" | "x  ds π σ" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        hence "x  ptrm_fvs (PVar x)" using PVar.prems by blast
        thus ?thesis by simp
      case 2
        hence "π $ x = σ $ x" using prm_disagreement_ext by metis
        thus ?thesis using ptrm_alpha_equiv.var by simp
  case (PApp A B)
    hence "π  A  σ  A" and "π  B  σ  B" by auto
    thus ?case using by auto
  case (PFn x T A)
    consider "x  ds π σ" | "x  ds π σ" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        hence *: "π $ x = σ $ x" using prm_disagreement_ext by metis
        have "a. a  ds π σ  a  ptrm_fvs A"
        proof -
          fix a
          assume "a  ds π σ"
          hence "a  ptrm_fvs (PFn x T A)" using PFn.prems by metis
          hence "a = x  a  ptrm_fvs A" by auto
          thus "a  ptrm_fvs A" using a  ds π σ x  ds π σ by auto
        thus ?thesis using PFn.IH * ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn1 ptrm_apply_prm.simps(3) by fastforce
      case 2
        hence "π $ x  σ $ x" using prm_disagreement_def CollectD by fastforce
        moreover have "π $ x  ptrm_fvs (σ  A)"
        proof -
          have "y  (ptrm_fvs A)  π $ x  σ $ y" for y
            using PFn π $ x  σ $ x prm_apply_unequal prm_disagreement_ext ptrm_fvs.simps(4)
            by (metis Diff_iff empty_iff insert_iff)
          hence "π $ x  σ {$} ptrm_fvs A" unfolding prm_set_def by auto
          thus ?thesis using ptrm_prm_fvs by metis
        moreover have "π  A  [π $ x  σ $ x]  σ  A"
        proof -
          have "a. a  ds π ([π $ x  σ $ x]  σ)  a  ptrm_fvs A" proof -
            fix a
            assume *: "a  ds π ([π $ x  σ $ x]  σ)"
            hence "a  x" using π $ x  σ $ x
              using prm_apply_composition prm_disagreement_ext prm_unit_action prm_unit_commutes
              by metis
            hence "a  ds π σ"
              using * prm_apply_composition prm_apply_unequal prm_disagreement_ext prm_unit_inaction
              by metis
            thus "a  ptrm_fvs A" using a  x PFn.prems by auto
          thus ?thesis using PFn by (simp add: ptrm_prm_apply_compose)
        ultimately show ?thesis using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2 by simp
  case (PPair A B)
    hence "π  A  σ  A" and "π  B  σ  B" by auto
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.pair by auto
  case (PFst P)
    hence "π  P  σ  P" by auto
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fst by auto
  case (PSnd P)
    hence "π  P  σ  P" by auto
    thus ?case using ptrm_alpha_equiv.snd by auto

lemma ptrm_prm_unit_inaction:
  assumes "a  ptrm_fvs X" "b  ptrm_fvs X"
  shows "[a  b]  X  X"
proof -
  have "(x. x  ds [a  b] ε  x  ptrm_fvs X)"
  proof -
    fix x
    assume "x  ds [a  b] ε"
    hence "[a  b] $ x  ε $ x"
      unfolding prm_disagreement_def
      by auto
    hence "x = a  x = b"
      using prm_apply_id prm_unit_inaction by metis
    thus "x  ptrm_fvs X" using assms by auto
  hence "[a  b]  X  ε  X"
    using ptrm_prm_agreement_equiv by metis
  thus ?thesis using ptrm_prm_apply_id by metis

lemma ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflexive:
  shows "M  M"
by(induction M, auto simp add: ptrm_alpha_equiv.intros)

corollary ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflp:
  shows "reflp ptrm_alpha_equiv"
unfolding reflp_def using ptrm_alpha_equiv_reflexive by auto

lemma ptrm_alpha_equiv_symmetric:
  assumes "X  Y"
  shows "Y  X"
using assms proof(induction rule: ptrm_alpha_equiv.induct, auto simp add: ptrm_alpha_equiv.intros)
  case (fn2 a b A B T)
    have "b  a" using a  b by auto
    have "B  [b  a]  A" using [a  b]  B  A
      using ptrm_swp_transfer prm_unit_commutes by metis

    have "b  ptrm_fvs A" using a  ptrm_fvs B A  [a  b]  B a  b
      using ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs_transfer by metis

    show ?case using b  a B  [b  a]  A b  ptrm_fvs A
      using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2 by metis

corollary ptrm_alpha_equiv_symp:
  shows "symp ptrm_alpha_equiv"
unfolding symp_def using ptrm_alpha_equiv_symmetric by auto

lemma ptrm_alpha_equiv_transitive:
  assumes "X  Y" and "Y  Z"
  shows "X  Z"
using assms proof(induction "size X" arbitrary: X Y Z rule: less_induct)
  fix X Y Z :: "'a ptrm"
  assume IH: "K Y Z :: 'a ptrm. size K < size X  K  Y  Y  Z  K  Z"
  assume "X  Y" and "Y  Z"
  show "X  Z" proof(cases X)
    case (PUnit)
      hence "Y = PUnit" using X  Y unitE by metis
      hence "Z = PUnit" using Y  Z unitE by metis
      thus ?thesis using ptrm_alpha_equiv.unit X = PUnit by metis
    case (PVar x)
      hence "PVar x  Y" using X  Y by auto
      hence "Y = PVar x" using varE by metis
      hence "PVar x  Z" using Y  Z by auto
      hence "Z = PVar x" using varE by metis
      thus ?thesis using ptrm_alpha_equiv.var X = PVar x by metis
    case (PApp A B)
      obtain C D where "Y = PApp C D" and "A  C" and "B  D"
        using appE X = PApp A B X  Y by metis
      hence "PApp C D  Z" using Y  Z by simp
      from this obtain E F where "Z = PApp E F" and "C  E" and "D  F" using appE by metis

      have "size A < size X" and "size B < size X" using X = PApp A B by auto
      hence "A  E" and "B  F" using IH A  C C  E B  D D  F by auto
      thus ?thesis using X = PApp A B Z = PApp E F by metis
    case (PFn x T A)
      from this have X: "X = PFn x T A".
      hence *: "size A < size X" by auto

      obtain y B where "Y = PFn y T B"
        and Y_cases: "(x = y  A  B)  (x  y  A  [x  y]  B  x  ptrm_fvs B)"
        using fnE X  Y X = PFn x T A by metis
      obtain z C where Z: "Z = PFn z T C"
        and Z_cases: "(y = z  B  C)  (y  z  B  [y  z]  C  y  ptrm_fvs C)"
        using fnE Y  Z Y = PFn y T B by metis

        "x = y" "A  B" and "y = z" "B  C"
      | "x = y" "A  B" and "y  z" "B  [y  z]  C" "y  ptrm_fvs C"
      | "x  y" "A  [x  y]  B" "x  ptrm_fvs B" and "y = z" "B  C"
      | "x  y" "A  [x  y]  B" "x  ptrm_fvs B" and "y  z" "B  [y  z]  C" "y  ptrm_fvs C" and "x = z"
      | "x  y" "A  [x  y]  B" "x  ptrm_fvs B" and "y  z" "B  [y  z]  C" "y  ptrm_fvs C" and "x  z"
        using Y_cases Z_cases by auto

      thus ?thesis proof(cases)
        case 1
          have "A  C" using A  B B  C IH * by metis
          have "x = z" using x = y y = z by metis
          show ?thesis using A  C x = z X Z
            using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn1 by metis
        case 2
          have "x  z" using x = y y  z by metis
          have "A  [x  z]  C" using A  B B  [y  z]  C x = y IH * by metis
          have "x  ptrm_fvs C" using x = y y  ptrm_fvs C by metis
          thus ?thesis using x  z A  [x  z]  C x  ptrm_fvs C X Z
            using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2 by metis
        case 3
          have "x  z" using x  y y = z by metis
          have "[x  y]  B  [x  y]  C" using B  C ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm by metis
          have "A  [x  z]  C"
            using A  [x  y]  B [x  y]  B  [x  y]  C y = z IH *
            by metis
          have "x  ptrm_fvs C" using B  C x  ptrm_fvs B ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs by metis
          thus ?thesis using x  z A  [x  z]  C x  ptrm_fvs C X Z
            using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2 by metis
        case 4
          have "[x  y]  B  [x  y]  [y  z]  C"
            using B  [y  z]  C ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm by metis
          hence "A  [x  y]  [y  z]  C"
            using A  [x  y]  B IH * by metis
          hence "A  ([x  y]  [y  z])  C" using ptrm_prm_apply_compose by metis
          hence "A  ([x  y]  [y  x])  C" using x = z by metis
          hence "A  ([x  y]  [x  y])  C" using prm_unit_commutes by metis
          hence "A  ε  C" using x = z prm_unit_involution by metis
          hence "A  C" using ptrm_prm_apply_id by metis

          thus ?thesis using x = z A  C X Z
            using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn1 by metis
        case 5
          have "x  ptrm_fvs C" proof -
            have "ptrm_fvs B = ptrm_fvs ([y  z]  C)"
              using ptrm_alpha_equiv_fvs B  [y  z]  C by metis
            hence "x  ptrm_fvs ([y  z]  C)" using x  ptrm_fvs B by auto
            hence "x  [y  z] {$} ptrm_fvs C" using ptrm_prm_fvs by metis
            consider "z  ptrm_fvs C" | "z  ptrm_fvs C" by auto
            thus ?thesis proof(cases)
              case 1
                hence "[y  z] {$} ptrm_fvs C = ptrm_fvs C - {z}  {y}"
                  using prm_set_unit_action prm_unit_commutes
                  and z  ptrm_fvs C y  ptrm_fvs C by metis
                hence "x  ptrm_fvs C - {z}  {y}" using x  [y  z] {$} ptrm_fvs C by auto
                hence "x  ptrm_fvs C - {z}" using x  y by auto
                thus ?thesis using x  z by auto
              case 2
                hence "[y  z] {$} ptrm_fvs C = ptrm_fvs C" using prm_set_unit_inaction y  ptrm_fvs C by metis
                thus ?thesis using x  [y  z] {$} ptrm_fvs C by auto

          have "A  [x  z]  C" proof -
            have "A  ([x  y]  [y  z])  C"
              using IH * A  [x  y]  B B  [y  z]  C
              and ptrm_alpha_equiv_prm ptrm_prm_apply_compose by metis

            have "([x  y]  [y  z])  C  [x  z]  C" proof -
              have "ds ([x  y]  [y  z]) [x  z] = {x, y}"
                using x  y y  z x  z prm_disagreement_composition by metis

              hence "a. a  ds ([x  y]  [y  z]) [x  z]  a  ptrm_fvs C"
                using x  ptrm_fvs C y  ptrm_fvs C
                using Diff_iff Diff_insert_absorb insert_iff by auto
              thus ?thesis using ptrm_prm_agreement_equiv by metis

            thus ?thesis using IH *
              using A  ([x  y]  [y  z])  C ([x  y]  [y  z])  C  [x  z]  C
              by metis

          show ?thesis using x  z A  [x  z]  C x  ptrm_fvs C X Z
            using ptrm_alpha_equiv.fn2 by metis
    case (PPair A B)
      obtain C D where "Y = PPair C D" and "A  C" and "B  D"
        using pairE X = PPair A B X  Y by metis
      hence "PPair C D  Z" using Y  Z by simp
      from this obtain E F where "Z = PPair E F" and "C  E" and "D  F" using pairE by metis

      have "size A < size X" and "size B < size X" using X = PPair A B by auto
      hence "A  E" and "B  F" using IH A  C C  E B  D D  F by auto
      thus ?thesis using X = PPair A B Z = PPair E F ptrm_alpha_equiv.pair by metis
    case (PFst P)
      obtain Q where "Y = PFst Q" "P  Q" using fstE X = PFst P X  Y by metis
      obtain R where "Z = PFst R" "Q  R" using fstE Y = PFst Q Y  Z by metis

      have "size P < size X" using X = PFst P by auto
      hence "P  R" using IH P  Q Q  R by metis
      thus ?thesis using X = PFst P Z = PFst R ptrm_alpha_equiv.fst by metis
    case (PSnd P)
      obtain Q where "Y = PSnd Q" "P  Q" using sndE X = PSnd P X  Y by metis
      obtain R where "Z = PSnd R" "Q  R" using sndE Y = PSnd Q Y  Z by metis

      have "size P < size X" using X = PSnd P by auto
      hence "P  R" using IH P  Q Q  R by metis
      thus ?thesis using X = PSnd P Z = PSnd R ptrm_alpha_equiv.snd by metis

corollary ptrm_alpha_equiv_transp:
  shows "transp ptrm_alpha_equiv"
unfolding transp_def using ptrm_alpha_equiv_transitive by auto

type_synonym 'a typing_ctx = "'a  type"

fun ptrm_infer_type :: "'a typing_ctx  'a ptrm  type option" where
  "ptrm_infer_type Γ PUnit = Some TUnit"
| "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PVar x) = Γ x"
| "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PApp A B) = (case (ptrm_infer_type Γ A, ptrm_infer_type Γ B) of
     (Some (TArr τ σ), Some τ')  (if τ = τ' then Some σ else None)
   | _  None
| "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFn x τ A) = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  τ)) A of
     Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ)
   | None  None
| "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PPair A B) = (case (ptrm_infer_type Γ A, ptrm_infer_type Γ B) of
     (Some τ, Some σ)  Some (TPair τ σ)
   | _  None
| "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PFst P) = (case ptrm_infer_type Γ P of
     (Some (TPair τ σ))  Some τ
   | _  None
| "ptrm_infer_type Γ (PSnd P) = (case ptrm_infer_type Γ P of
     (Some (TPair τ σ))  Some σ
   | _  None

lemma ptrm_infer_type_swp_types:
  assumes "a  b"
  shows "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S)) X = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) ([a  b]  X)"
using assms proof(induction X arbitrary: T S Γ)
  case (PUnit)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PVar x)
    consider "x = a" | "x = b" | "x  a  x  b" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      assume "x = a"
      thus ?thesis using a  b by (simp add: prm_unit_action)

      assume "x = b"
      thus ?thesis using a  b
        using prm_unit_action prm_unit_commutes fun_upd_same fun_upd_twist
        by (metis ptrm_apply_prm.simps(2) ptrm_infer_type.simps(2))

      assume "x  a  x  b"
      thus ?thesis by (simp add: prm_unit_inaction)
  case (PApp A B)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PFn x τ A)
    hence *:
      "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S)) A = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) ([a  b]  A)"
      for T S Γ
      by metis

    consider "x = a" | "x = b" | "x  a  x  b" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
          "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) ([a  b]  PFn x τ A)
         = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) (PFn b τ ([a  b]  A))"
          using prm_unit_action ptrm_apply_prm.simps(4) by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  τ)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          by simp
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ, b  S)) A of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using * by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  S, a  T, a  τ)) A of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using a  b fun_upd_twist fun_upd_upd by metis
        moreover have "... = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  S, a  T)) (PFn x τ A)"
          using x = a by simp
        moreover have "... = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S)) (PFn x τ A)"
          using a  b fun_upd_twist by metis
        ultimately show ?thesis by metis
      case 2
          "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) ([a  b]  PFn x τ A)
         = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) (PFn a τ ([a  b]  A))"
          using prm_unit_action prm_unit_commutes ptrm_apply_prm.simps(4) by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T, a  τ)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          by simp
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ, b  T)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using fun_upd_upd fun_upd_twist a  b by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  τ)) A of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using * by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S, b  τ)) A of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using a  b fun_upd_upd by metis
        moreover have "... = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  S, a  T)) (PFn x τ A)"
          using x = b by simp
        moreover have "... = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S)) (PFn x τ A)"
          using a  b fun_upd_twist by metis
        ultimately show ?thesis by metis
      case 3
        hence "x  a" "x  b" by auto
          "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) ([a  b]  PFn x τ A)
         = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T)) (PFn x τ ([a  b]  A))"
          by (simp add: prm_unit_inaction)
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  S, b  T, x  τ)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          by simp
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  τ, a  S, b  T)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using x  a x  b fun_upd_twist by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  τ, a  T, b  S)) A of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using * by metis
        moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S, x  τ)) A of None  None | Some σ  Some (TArr τ σ))"
          using x  a x  b fun_upd_twist by metis
        moreover have "... = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T, b  S)) (PFn x τ A)" by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis by metis
  case (PPair A B)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PFst P)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PSnd P)
    thus ?case by simp

lemma ptrm_infer_type_swp:
  assumes "a  b" "b  ptrm_fvs X"
  shows "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) X = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) ([a  b]  X)"
using assms proof(induction X arbitrary: τ Γ)
  case (PUnit)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PVar x)
    hence "x  b" by simp
    consider "x = a" | "x  a" by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        hence "[a  b]  (PVar x) = PVar b"
        and   "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) (PVar x) = Some τ" using prm_unit_action by auto
        thus ?thesis by auto

      case 2
        hence *: "[a  b]  PVar x = PVar x" using x  b prm_unit_inaction by simp
        consider "σ. Γ x = Some σ" | "Γ x = None" by auto
        thus ?thesis proof(cases)
          assume "σ. Γ x = Some σ"
          from this obtain σ where "Γ x = Some σ" by auto
          thus ?thesis using * x  a x  b by auto
          assume "Γ x = None"
          thus ?thesis using * x  a x  b by auto
  case (PApp A B)
    have "b  ptrm_fvs A" and "b  ptrm_fvs B" using PApp.prems by auto
    hence "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) A = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) ([a  b]  A)"
    and   "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) B = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) ([a  b]  B)"
      using PApp.IH assms by metis+
    thus ?case by (metis ptrm_apply_prm.simps(3) ptrm_infer_type.simps(3))
  case (PFn x σ A)
    consider "b  x  b  ptrm_fvs A" | "b = x" using PFn.prems by auto
    thus ?case proof(cases)
      case 1
        hence "b  x" "b  ptrm_fvs A" by auto
        hence *: "τ Γ. ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) A = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) ([a  b]  A)"
          using PFn.IH assms by metis
        consider "a = x" | "a  x" by auto
        thus ?thesis proof(cases)
          case 1
            hence "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) (PFn x σ A) = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) (PFn a σ A)"
            and "
              ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) ([a  b]  PFn x σ A) =
              ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) (PFn b σ ([a  b]  A))"
            by (auto simp add: prm_unit_action)
            thus ?thesis using * ptrm_infer_type.simps(4) fun_upd_upd by metis
          case 2
              "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) ([a  b]  PFn x σ A)
             = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ)) (PFn x σ ([a  b]  A))"
              using b  x by (simp add: prm_unit_inaction)
            moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ, x  σ)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ'  Some (TArr σ σ'))"
              by simp
            moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  σ, b  τ)) ([a  b]  A) of None  None | Some σ'  Some (TArr σ σ'))"
              using b  x fun_upd_twist by metis
            moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(x  σ, a  τ)) A of None  None | Some σ'  Some (TArr σ σ'))"
              using * by metis
            moreover have "... = (case ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ, x  σ)) A of None  None | Some σ'  Some (TArr σ σ'))"
              using a  x fun_upd_twist by metis
            moreover have "... = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ)) (PFn x σ A)"
              by simp
            ultimately show ?thesis by metis

      case 2
        hence "a  x" using assms by auto
        have "
          ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  τ, b  σ)) A =
          ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  τ, a  σ)) ([a  b]  A)
        " using ptrm_infer_type_swp_types using a  b fun_upd_twist by metis
        thus ?thesis
          using b = x prm_unit_action prm_unit_commutes
          using ptrm_infer_type.simps(4) ptrm_apply_prm.simps(4) by metis
  case (PPair A B)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PFst P)
    thus ?case by simp
  case (PSnd P)
    thus ?case by simp

lemma ptrm_infer_type_alpha_equiv:
  assumes "X  Y"
  shows "ptrm_infer_type Γ X = ptrm_infer_type Γ Y"
using assms proof(induction arbitrary: Γ)
  case (fn2 a b A B T Γ)
    hence "ptrm_infer_type (Γ(a  T)) A = ptrm_infer_type (Γ(b  T)) B"
      using ptrm_infer_type_swp prm_unit_commutes by metis
    thus ?case by simp
qed auto
