File ‹smt_float.ML›

(*  Title:      IEEE_Floating_Point/smt_float.ML
    Author:     Olle Torstensson, Uppsala University
    Author:     Tjark Weber, Uppsala University

SMT setup for floating-points.

This file provides an interpretation of floating-point related types and constants found in
IEEE_Floating_Point/IEEE_Single_NaN.thy into SMT-LIB. The interpretation encompasses
  - fixed format floating-point types,
  - the rounding mode type,
  - floating-point value construction from bit vector triples,
  - special floating-point values (+/- 0, +/- infinity, and NaN),
  - rounding modes,
  - classification operations,
  - arithmetic operations,
  - comparison operations,
  - type conversions to and from the reals, and
  - type conversions to and from bit-vector representations.

The interpretation does NOT cover polymorphic floating-point types. Variables and constants with a
floating-point type will in general need to be attached with explicit type constraints in order to
trigger the interpretation.

structure SMT_Float: sig end =

(*Determine whether a type is a word type of a fixed format supported by SMT-LIB.*)
fun is_word (Type (type_nameWord.word, [a])) =
      can Word_Lib.dest_binT a andalso Word_Lib.dest_binT a > 0
  | is_word _ = false

(*Determine whether a type is a floating-point type of a fixed format supported by SMT-LIB.*)
fun is_float (Type (type_nameIEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN, [e,f])) =
      can (apply2 Word_Lib.dest_binT) (e,f) andalso
      Word_Lib.dest_binT e > 1 andalso
      Word_Lib.dest_binT f > 0  ‹SMT-LIB requires e>1 and f>1 but counts the significand's hidden bit in f›
  | is_float _ = false

(*Extract type argument from word types of fixed formats.*)
fun word_Targ (T as (Type (type_nameWord.word, [a]))) =
      if is_word T then
        SOME (Word_Lib.dest_binT a)
  | word_Targ _ = NONE

(*Extract type arguments from floating-point types of fixed formats.*)
fun float_Targs (T as (Type (type_nameIEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN, [e,f]))) =
      if is_float T then
        SOME (Word_Lib.dest_binT e, Word_Lib.dest_binT f)
  | float_Targs _ = NONE

(*True except for floating-point and word types of unsupported formats.*)
fun is_valid_type (T as (Type (type_nameIEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN, _))) = is_float T
  | is_valid_type (T as (Type (type_nameWord.word, _))) = is_word T
  | is_valid_type _ = true

(* SMT-LIB logic *)

  SMT-LIB logics are generally too restrictive for Isabelle's problems. "ALL" denotes the most
  general logic supported by the SMT solver, and is chosen if a rounding mode or supported
  floating-point type is encountered among the terms. Isabelle's SMTLIB_Interface unfortunately
  does not provide a modular way to indicate that a problem requires the floating-point (FP) theory.
fun smtlib_logic _ ts =
    fun is_float_or_rm (Type (type_nameIEEE.roundmode, _)) = true
      | is_float_or_rm T = is_float T
    if exists (Term.exists_type (Term.exists_subtype is_float_or_rm)) ts then
      SOME "ALL" (*FIXME: There are currently three SMT solvers available in Isabelle: cvc4, verit,
                          and z3. verit currently does not support the FP theory at all. z3
                          currently does not support the "ALL" logic but ignores it gracefully.*)

(* SMT-LIB built-ins *)

(*Interpret floating-point related types and constants supported by the SMT-LIB floating-point theory.*)

  (*SMT-LIB syntax template for parameterized sorts and functions.*)
  fun param_template1 s a =
  	"(_ " ^ s ^ " " ^ string_of_int a ^ ")"

  fun param_template2 s (e,f) =
  	"(_ " ^ s ^ " " ^ string_of_int e ^ " " ^ string_of_int (f + 1) ^ ")"

  fun word_typ T = (rpair [] o param_template1 "BitVec") (word_Targ T)

  fun float_typ T = (rpair [] o param_template2 "FloatingPoint") (float_Targs T)

    Generic function for interpreting floating-point constants.
    f can be used to customize the interpretation.
  fun add_float_fun f (t, s) =
      val (n, _) = Term.dest_Const t
      (*FIXME: It would be preferable to add the floating-point types and functions only for those
               SMT solvers that support them (currently, cvc4 and z3). However, doing this in a
               modular way would require a change to the solver interface specifications (in
               isabelle/src/HOL/Tools/SMT/). *)
      SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC (Term.dest_Const t, f n s)

  (*Customized interpretation. Check whether the type is supported and add two type arguments
    extracted from the result type.*)
  fun add_with_Targs n s _ T ts =
      val (Us, U) = Term.strip_type T
      val all_valid = forall is_valid_type (U::Us)
      case (all_valid, float_Targs U) of
        (true, SOME args) =>
          SOME (param_template2 s args, length Us, ts, Term.list_comb o pair (Const (n, T)))
      | _ => NONE

  (*Customized interpretation. Check whether the type is supported and add one type argument
    extracted from the result type.*)
  fun add_with_Targ n s _ T ts =
      val (Us, U) = Term.strip_type T
      val all_valid = forall is_valid_type (U::Us)
      case (all_valid, word_Targ U) of
        (true, SOME arg) =>
          SOME (param_template1 s arg, length Us, ts, Term.list_comb o pair (Const (n, T)))
      | _ => NONE

  (*Customized interpretation. Check whether the type is supported.*)
  fun add_if_fixed n s _ T ts =
      val (Us, U) = Term.strip_type T
      val all_valid = forall is_valid_type (U::Us)
      if all_valid then
        SOME (s, length Us, ts, Term.list_comb o pair (Const (n, T)))


val setup_builtins =

  fold (SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_typ SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC) [
    (typ('a::len) Word.word, word_typ, K (K NONE)),
    (typ('e::len,'f::len) IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN, float_typ, K (K NONE)),
    (typIEEE.roundmode, K (SOME ("RoundingMode", [])), K (K NONE))] #>

  (*Rounding modes*)
  fold (SMT_Builtin.add_builtin_fun' SMTLIB_Interface.smtlibC) [
    (@{const IEEE.roundNearestTiesToEven}, "RNE"),
    (@{const IEEE.roundTowardPositive}, "RTP"),
    (@{const IEEE.roundTowardNegative}, "RTN"),
    (@{const IEEE.roundTowardZero}, "RTZ"),
    (@{const IEEE.roundNearestTiesToAway}, "RNA")] #>

  (*Value constructors*)
  add_float_fun add_if_fixed
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fp ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp") #>
  fold (add_float_fun add_with_Targs) [
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.plus_infinity ('e::len,'f::len)}, "+oo"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.minus_infinity ('e::len,'f::len)}, "-oo"),
    (@{const (('e::len,'f::len) IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN)}, "+zero"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.minus_zero ('e::len,'f::len)}, "-zero"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.NaN ('e::len,'f::len)}, "NaN")] #>

  fold (add_float_fun add_if_fixed) [
  (*arithmetic operators*)
    (@{const abs_class.abs (('e::len,'f::len) IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN)}, "fp.abs"),
    (@{const uminus_class.uminus (('e::len,'f::len) IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN)}, "fp.neg"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fadd ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.add"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fsub ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.sub"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fmul ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.mul"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fdiv ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.div"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fmul_add ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.fma"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fsqrt ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.sqrt"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.float_rem ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.rem"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fintrnd ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.roundToIntegral"),
  (*comparison operators, IEEE 754 equality*)
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fle ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.leq"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.flt ('e::len,'f::len)}, ""),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fge ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.geq"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.fgt ('e::len,'f::len)}, ""),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.feq ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.eq"),
  (*classification of numbers*)
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_normal ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isNormal"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_subnormal ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isSubnormal"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_zero ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isZero"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_infinity ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isInfinite"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_nan ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isNaN"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_negative ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isNegative"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.is_positive ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.isPositive"),
  (*conversions to other types*)
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.valof ('e::len,'f::len)}, "fp.to_real")] #>
  fold (add_float_fun add_with_Targ) [
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.unsigned_word_of_floatSingleNaN ('e::len,'f::len,'a::len)}, "fp.to_ubv"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.signed_word_of_floatSingleNaN ('e::len,'f::len,'a::len)}, "fp.to_sbv")] #>
  (*conversions from other types*)
  fold (add_float_fun add_with_Targs) [
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN_of_IEEE754_word ('a::len,'e::len,'f::len)}, "to_fp"),  (*FIXME: interpret only if a=e+f+1*)
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.round ('e::len,'f::len)}, "to_fp"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN_of_floatSingleNaN ('a::len,'b::len,'a::len,'b::len)}, "to_fp"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN_of_signed_word ('a::len,'e::len,'f::len)}, "to_fp"),
    (@{const IEEE_Single_NaN.floatSingleNaN_of_unsigned_word ('a::len,'e::len,'f::len)}, "to_fp_unsigned")]


(* Setup *)

(*Override any other logic.*)
val _ = Theory.setup (Context.theory_map (
    SMTLIB_Interface.add_logic (0, smtlib_logic) #>
