File ‹Transform_Data.ML›

signature TRANSFORM_DATA =
  type dp_info = {
    old_head: term,
    new_head': term,
    new_headT: term,

    old_defs: thm list,
    new_defT: thm,
    new_def': thm list
  type cmd_info = {
    scope: binding,
    head: term,
    locale: string option,
    dp_info: dp_info option
  val get_dp_info: string -> Proof.context -> term -> dp_info option
  val get_last_cmd_info: Proof.context -> cmd_info
  val commit_dp_info: string -> dp_info -> local_theory -> local_theory
  val add_tmp_cmd_info: binding * term * string option -> local_theory -> local_theory
  val get_or_last_cmd_info: Proof.context -> (string * term) option -> cmd_info

structure Transform_Data : TRANSFORM_DATA =

type dp_info = {
  old_head: term,
  new_head': term,
  new_headT: term,

  old_defs: thm list,
  new_defT: thm,
  new_def': thm list

type cmd_info = {
  scope: binding,
  head: term,
  locale: string option,
  dp_info: dp_info option

fun map_cmd_info f0 f1 f2 f3 {scope, head, locale, dp_info} =
  {scope = f0 scope, head = f1 head, locale = f2 locale, dp_info = f3 dp_info}

fun map_cmd_dp_info f = map_cmd_info I I I f

structure Data = Generic_Data (
  type T = {
    monadified_terms: (string * cmd_info Item_Net.T) list,
    last_cmd_info: cmd_info option

  val empty = {
    monadified_terms =
      ["state", "heap"]
      ~~ replicate 2 (Item_Net.init (op aconv o apply2 #head) (single o #head)),
    last_cmd_info = NONE

  fun merge (
    {monadified_terms = m0, ...},
    {monadified_terms = m1, ...}
  ) =
      val keys0 = map fst m0
      val keys1 = map fst m1
      val _ = @{assert} (keys0 = keys1)
      val vals = map Item_Net.merge (map snd m0 ~~ map snd m1)
      val ms = keys0 ~~ vals
      {monadified_terms = ms, last_cmd_info = NONE}

fun transform_dp_info phi {old_head, new_head', new_headT, old_defs, new_defT, new_def'} =
    old_head = Morphism.term phi old_head,
    new_head' = Morphism.term phi new_head',
    new_headT = Morphism.term phi new_headT,

    old_defs = Morphism.fact phi old_defs,
    new_def' = Morphism.fact phi new_def',
    new_defT = Morphism.thm phi new_defT

fun get_monadified_terms_generic monad_name context =
  Data.get context
  |> #monadified_terms
  |> (fn l => AList.lookup op= l monad_name)
  |> the

fun get_monadified_terms monad_name ctxt =
  get_monadified_terms_generic monad_name (Context.Proof ctxt)

fun map_data f0 f1 = (fn {monadified_terms, last_cmd_info} =>
  {monadified_terms = f0 monadified_terms, last_cmd_info = f1 last_cmd_info})

fun map_monadified_terms f = map_data f I
fun map_last_cmd_info f    = map_data I f

fun put_monadified_terms_generic monad_name new_terms context =
  context |> map_monadified_terms (AList.update op= (monad_name, new_terms))

fun map_monadified_terms_generic monad_name f context =
  context |> map_monadified_terms (AList.map_entry op= monad_name f)

fun put_last_cmd_info cmd_info_opt context =
  map_last_cmd_info (K cmd_info_opt) context

fun get_cmd_info monad_name ctxt tm =
  get_monadified_terms monad_name ctxt
  |> (fn net => Item_Net.retrieve net tm)

fun get_dp_info monad_name ctxt tm =
  get_cmd_info monad_name ctxt tm
  |> (fn result => case result of
      {dp_info = SOME dp_info', ...} :: _ => SOME dp_info'
    | _ => NONE)

fun get_last_cmd_info_generic context =
  Data.get context
  |> #last_cmd_info
  |> the

fun get_last_cmd_info ctxt =
  get_last_cmd_info_generic (Context.Proof ctxt)

fun commit_dp_info monad_name dp_info =
    {pervasive = false, syntax = false, pos = }
    (fn phi => fn context =>
        val old_cmd_info = get_last_cmd_info_generic context
        val new_dp_info = transform_dp_info phi dp_info
        val new_cmd_info = old_cmd_info |> map_cmd_dp_info (K (SOME new_dp_info))
        |> map_monadified_terms_generic monad_name (Item_Net.update new_cmd_info)
         |> put_last_cmd_info (SOME new_cmd_info)

fun add_tmp_cmd_info (scope, head, locale_opt) =
    {pervasive = false, syntax = false, pos = }
    (fn phi => fn context =>
        val new_cmd_info = {
          scope = Morphism.binding phi scope,
          head = Morphism.term phi head,
          locale = locale_opt,
          dp_info = NONE
        context |> put_last_cmd_info (SOME new_cmd_info)
      end )

fun get_or_last_cmd_info ctxt monad_name_tm_opt =
  case monad_name_tm_opt of
    NONE => get_last_cmd_info ctxt
  | SOME (monad_name, tm) => get_cmd_info monad_name ctxt tm |> the_single
