File ‹SourcePos.ML›

(* SPDX-License-Identifier: HPND *)

(* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
 *    Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
 * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 NEC Research Institute.
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Please see the file MLton-LICENSE for license information.

 * Slightly adjusted by Michael Norrish (2006)



(line, column) based source position instead of 'offset' based Position.T.

Note that we work on preprocessed (cpp) files, but want to have positions that are valid in the
original .c / .h files.

As cpp keeps track of lines and with option -CC it also keeps comments, but it will remove lines
like #include foo.h and replace it by an empty line followd by a line-directive. 
From the line-directive alone it is not possible to infer how much contribution to the "offset" the 
original line had.

Taking line-directives into account, for all other lines (column,line) positions from the
cpp-ed version of the file match to (column, line) in the original file.
With the original file ht hand we can calculate the offset from (column, line). 

See also: Feedback.ML SourceFile.ML
signature SOURCE_POS =

  type t

  val bogus: t
  val column: t -> int
  val compare: t * t -> order
  val equals: t * t -> bool
  val is_bogus: t -> bool
  val file: t -> string
  val line: t -> int
  val make: {column: int, file: string, line: int} -> t
  val toString: t -> string
  val posToString : t -> string
  val show_c_parser_positions : string

structure SourcePos : SOURCE_POS =

datatype t = T of {column: int, file: string, line: int}

   fun f g (T r) = g r
   val column = f #column
   val line = f #line

fun compare (T {column = c, file = f, line = l},
             T {column = c', file = f', line = l'}) =
   case string_ord (f, f') of
      EQUAL =>
         (case int_ord (l, l') of
             EQUAL => int_ord (c, c')
           | r => r)
    | r => r

fun equals (T r, T r') = r = r'

fun make {column, file, line} =
   T {column = column,
      file = file,
      line = line}

fun file (T {file, ...}) = file

val bogus = T {column = ~1,
               file = "<bogus>",
               line = ~1}

fun is_bogus t = equals (t, bogus)

fun prettyPos (T {column, line, file}) = 
  Pretty.strs [Int.toString line ^ "." ^ Int.toString column, "in " ^  quote (file) ]

fun toString (p as T {column, line, file}) =
   String.concat [file, " ", Int.toString line, ".", Int.toString column]

fun posToString (T {column,line,...}) =
   String.concat [Int.toString line, ".", Int.toString column]

val show_c_parser_positions = "show_c_parser_positions"

val _ =
  ML_system_pp (fn depth => fn pretty => fn (pos:t) =>
    if print_mode_active show_c_parser_positions 
    then Pretty.to_ML (prettyPos pos)
    else ML_Pretty.str "<pos>");


val _ = tracing ("position hidden: " ^ @{make_string} SourcePos.bogus)
val _ = Print_Mode.with_modes [SourcePos.show_c_parser_positions] 
          (fn _ => tracing ("position pretty: " ^ @{make_string} SourcePos.bogus)) ()