File ‹General.ML›
val foldl = List.foldl
val foldr = List.foldr
fun group_by eq xs =
val pivots = distinct eq xs
map (fn pivot => filter (fn x => eq (pivot, x)) xs) pivots
fun representative_for eq xs = group_by eq xs |> map hd
fun safe_unsuffix sfx str = the_default str (try (unsuffix sfx) str)
structure Symtab = struct
open Symtab
fun fold_map f t s =
val elems = dest t
fun f' (elem as (key, _)) s = let val (res, s') = f elem s in ((key, res), s') end
val (elems', s') = Basics.fold_map f' elems s
in (make elems', s') end
fun strip_comb_depth_of_term tm =
fun depth (t $ u) is_head n = let val n' = if is_head then n else n + 1
in Int.max (depth t true n', depth u false n') end
| depth (Abs (_, _ , t)) is_head n = depth t false (n + 1)
| depth _ is_head n = n + 1
in depth tm false 0 end
fun comb_depth_of_term tm =
fun depth (t $ u) n = let val n' = n + 1
in Int.max (depth t n', depth u n') end
| depth (Abs (_, _ , t)) n = depth t (n + 1)
| depth _ n = n + 1
in depth tm 0 end
fun with_goal_depth tac = SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) =>
tac (strip_comb_depth_of_term t) i)
fun strip_comb_depth_of_term_destructive t =
case t of
Abs (_, _, t) => 1 + strip_comb_depth_of_term_destructive t
| (_$_) =>
val (f, args) = strip_comb t
in map strip_comb_depth_of_term_destructive (f:: args)
|> List.foldl Int.max 0
|> (fn i => i + 1)
| _ => 1
val t1 = @{term "f (b y) (c x)"}
val t2 = @{term "f x"}
val t3 = @{term "f (λx. k x) y"}
val t4 = @{term "λx. f x"}
val t5 = @{term "(λy g. f (h (g y)))"}
val t6 = @{term "x"}
val tests = [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t5$t6]
fun comp t = (strip_comb_depth_of_term_destructive t,
strip_comb_depth_of_term t,
comb_depth_of_term t,
Term.size_of_term t)
val res = map comp tests;
val _ = @{assert} (res =
[(3, 3, 4, 5),
(2, 2, 2, 2),
(4, 4, 5, 5),
(3, 3, 3, 3),
(6, 6, 6, 6),
(1, 1, 1, 1),
(7, 7, 7, 7)])
fun opt_print_unsolved_tac opt msg ctxt st =
if opt ctxt andalso Thm.nprems_of st > 0 then print_tac ctxt msg st else all_tac st
val print_unsolved_tac = opt_print_unsolved_tac (K true)
structure HoarePackage = Hoare
structure More_Local_Theory =
fun gen_in_theory_result transfer_data f lthy =
val (reinit, thy) = Named_Target.exit_global_reinitialize lthy
f thy ||> reinit ||> transfer_data lthy
fun gen_in_theory transfer_data f lthy =
val (reinit, thy) = Named_Target.exit_global_reinitialize lthy
f thy |> reinit |> transfer_data lthy
structure Utils =
open Utils
fun first_match [] t = raise Match
| first_match (f::fs) t = f t handle Match => first_match fs t
fun add_match g f = first_match [g, f];
fun fast_eq eq (x, y) = pointer_eq (x, y) orelse eq (x, y)
fun fast_merge merge (x, y) = if pointer_eq (x, y) then x else merge (x, y)
fun distinct_strs xs =
fun dist seen [] = []
| dist seen (x::xs) =
let val seen' = Symtab.insert (K false) (x, ()) seen
x :: dist seen' xs
handle Symtab.DUP _ => dist seen xs
dist Symtab.empty xs
fun ord_like_list eq xs (x, y) = int_ord (find_index (curry eq x) xs, find_index (curry eq y) xs)
fun sort_like_list eq xs = sort (ord_like_list eq xs)
exception InvalidInput of string;
fun invalid_typ s (t : typ) =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ Protocol_Message.clean_output (@{make_string} t) ^ "'")
fun invalid_term s (t : term) =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ Protocol_Message.clean_output (@{make_string} t) ^ "'")
fun invalid_term' ctxt s (t : term) =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ Protocol_Message.clean_output (Pretty.string_of (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t)) ^ "'")
fun invalid_input s t =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ Protocol_Message.clean_output t ^ "'")
fun decode_isa_list t =
HOLogic.dest_list t handle TERM _ => invalid_term "isabelle list" t
fun encode_isa_list T xs = HOLogic.mk_list T xs
fun decode_isa_char t =
Char.chr (HOLogic.dest_char t) handle TERM _ => invalid_term "isabelle char" t
fun encode_isa_char t = HOLogic.mk_char (Char.ord t)
fun decode_isa_string t =
decode_isa_list t
|> map decode_isa_char
|> String.implode
fun encode_isa_string s =
String.explode s
|> map encode_isa_char
|> encode_isa_list @{typ char}
fun ml_str_list_to_isa s =
map encode_isa_string s
|> encode_isa_list @{typ "string"}
fun isa_str_list_to_ml t =
decode_isa_list t
|> map decode_isa_string
fun pretty_rule ctxt thm =
val prule = Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm
case Properties.get (Thm.get_tags thm) Markup.nameN of
NONE => prule
| SOME name => Pretty.block [
Pretty.marks_str (Proof_Context.markup_extern_fact ctxt name),
Pretty.str ": ",
val string_of_rule = Pretty.string_of oo pretty_rule
fun split_path p =
fun split_single p = [Path.dir p, Path.base p] handle ERROR _ => [p]
fun split p ps =
case split_single p of
[dir, base] => split dir (base :: ps)
| ps' => ps' @ ps
split p []
fun implode_path [] = Path.root
| implode_path ps = foldl1 (uncurry Path.append) ps
fun make_relative p =
if Path.is_absolute p then
split_path p |> filter_out (fn p => p = Path.root) |> implode_path
else p
fun sanitized_path thy tmp_dir orig_path =
val master_dir = Resources.master_directory thy
Path.append tmp_dir
(make_relative (Path.append (Path.expand master_dir) orig_path))
fun rhs_of (Const _ $ _ $ r) = r
| rhs_of t = raise (TERM ("rhs_of", [t]))
fun lhs_of (Const _ $ l $ _) = l
| lhs_of t = raise (TERM ("lhs_of", [t]))
fun rhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) = rhs_of_eq eq
| rhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ _ $ r) = r
| rhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ r) = r
| rhs_of_eq t = raise (TERM ("rhs_of_eq", [t]))
fun lhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) = lhs_of_eq eq
| lhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ l $ _) = l
| lhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ l $ _) = l
| lhs_of_eq t = raise (TERM ("lhs_of_eq", [t]))
fun clhs_of ct = nth (Drule.strip_comb ct |> #2) 0
fun crhs_of ct = nth (Drule.strip_comb ct |> #2) 1
fun dest_eq ct =
val [lhs, rhs] = snd (Drule.strip_comb ct)
in (lhs, rhs) end
fun crhs_of_eq ct = case Thm.term_of ct of
(Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) => crhs_of_eq (snd (Thm.dest_comb ct))
| (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ _ $ _) => crhs_of ct
| (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ _) => crhs_of ct
| t => raise (TERM ("crhs_of_eq", [t]))
fun clhs_of_eq ct = case Thm.term_of ct of
(Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) => clhs_of_eq (snd (Thm.dest_comb ct))
| (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ _ $ _) => clhs_of ct
| (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ _) => clhs_of ct
| t => raise (TERM ("clhs_of_eq", [t]))
fun dest_eq' ct = case Thm.term_of ct of
(Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) => dest_eq (snd (Thm.dest_comb ct))
| (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ _ $ _) => dest_eq ct
| (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ _) => dest_eq ct
| t => raise (TERM ("dest_eq'", [t]))
fun chead_of ct = Drule.strip_comb ct |> fst
fun ctail_of ct = Drule.strip_comb ct |> snd |> hd
fun cterm_nth_arg ct n =
(Drule.strip_comb ct |> snd |> (fn x => nth x n))
handle Subscript =>
raise CTERM ("Argument " ^ (@{make_string} n) ^ " doesn't exist", [ct])
fun term_nth_arg t n =
(Term.strip_comb t |> snd |> (fn x => nth x n))
handle Subscript =>
raise TERM ("Argument " ^ (@{make_string} n) ^ " doesn't exist", [t])
fun dest_nat_or_number t =
case try HOLogic.dest_number t of
SOME (_, n) => n
| NONE => HOLogic.dest_nat t
fun eta_redex t =
fun eta bs (Abs (_, _, b)) = eta (Bound (length bs) :: bs) b
| eta bs (t as (_ $ _ )) = (case strip_comb t of
(head, args) => if is_prefix (op =) (rev bs) (rev args)
then (true, list_comb (head, (rev (drop (length bs) (rev args)))))
else (false, t))
| eta _ t = (false, t)
in case eta [] t of
(true, x) => (true, x)
| (false, _) => (false, t)
fun norm_eta (t as Abs _) =
(case eta_redex t of (true, t') => (true, snd (norm_eta t')) | _ => (false, t))
| norm_eta (t as (t1 $ t2)) =
val (b1, t1') = norm_eta t1
val (b2, t2') = norm_eta t2
val b = b1 orelse b2
in if b then (b, t1' $ t2') else (false, t) end
| norm_eta t = (false, t)
val cterm_eq = is_equal o Thm.fast_term_ord
val trivial_eq = Match_Cterm.switch [
@{cterm_match ‹Trueprop (?lhs = ?rhs)›} #> (fn {lhs, rhs,...} =>
cterm_eq (lhs, rhs)),
(fn _ => false)]
val trivial_meta_eq = Match_Cterm.switch [
@{cterm_match ‹(?lhs ≡ ?rhs)›} #> (fn {lhs, rhs,...} =>
cterm_eq (lhs, rhs)),
(fn _ => false)]
val trivial_eq_thm = Thm.cconcl_of #> trivial_eq
val trivial_meta_eq_thm = Thm.cconcl_of #> trivial_meta_eq
val _ = Theory.setup
(ML_Antiquotation.inline \<^binding>‹assert_msg›
(Scan.succeed "(fn b => fn msg => if b then () else raise General.Fail (msg ()))"))