File ‹Absyn-CType.ML›
structure CTypeDatatype =
datatype inttype = datatype BaseCTypes.base_inttype
datatype 'c ctype =
Signed of inttype
| Unsigned of inttype
| Bool
| PlainChar
| StructTy of string
| UnionTy of string
| EnumTy of string option
| Ptr of 'c ctype
| Array of 'c ctype * 'c option
| Bitfield of 'c ctype * 'c
| Ident of string
| Function of 'c ctype * 'c ctype list
| Void
| TypeOf of 'c
signature CTYPE =
datatype inttype = datatype CTypeDatatype.inttype
datatype rcd_kind = Struct
| Union of string list
datatype attribute = AlignedExponent of int
val type_of_rcd : string * (rcd_kind * 'a * 'c * 'd) -> 'b CTypeDatatype.ctype
val inttyname : inttype -> string
val inttype_ord : inttype * inttype -> order
val int_width : inttype ->
val int_sizeof : inttype -> int
datatype ctype = datatype CTypeDatatype.ctype
val is_signed : 'a ctype -> bool
val dest_int_type : 'a ctype -> (bool * inttype)
val scalar_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val ptr_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val ptr_or_array_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val integer_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val arithmetic_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val array_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val function_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val fun_ptr_type: 'a ctype -> bool
val aggregate_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val dest_union_type : 'a ctype -> string option
val is_union_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val dest_struct_type : 'a ctype -> string option
val is_struct_type : 'a ctype -> bool
val single_variant : string -> string list -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
val active_variants : string -> string list -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
val array_to_ptr_decay : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val fparam_norm : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val param_norm : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val remove_enums : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val integer_promotions : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val arithmetic_conversion : 'a ctype * 'a ctype -> 'a ctype
val unify_types : ''a ctype * ''a ctype -> ''a ctype
val imax : 'a ctype ->
val imin : 'a ctype ->
val ty_width : 'a ctype ->
val sizeof : (string -> (int * bool)) -> int ctype -> (int * bool)
val tyname0 : ('a -> string) -> 'a ctype -> string
val tyname : int ctype -> string
val ctype_ord : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a ctype * 'a ctype -> order
structure ImplementationTypes : sig
val size_t : 'a ctype
val ptrdiff_t : 'a ctype
val ptrval_t : 'a ctype
val C_field_name : string -> string
val unC_field_name : string -> string
val nested_types : 'a ctype -> 'a ctype list
structure CTypeTab: TABLE
structure CType : CTYPE =
datatype rcd_kind = Struct | Union of string list
datatype attribute = AlignedExponent of int
fun single_variant name active [fld] = [fld]
| single_variant name active flds =
(case filter (fn (f, _) => member (op =) active f) flds of
[] => take 1 flds
| flds' as [f] => flds'
| flds' => error ("single_variant union \"" ^ name ^ "\": only *one* active variant supported, got: "
^ @{make_string} flds' ^ "\nof\n" ^
fun active_variants name active [fld] = [fld]
| active_variants name active flds =
(case filter (fn (f, _) => member (op =) active f) flds of
[] => take 1 flds
| flds' => flds')
open CTypeDatatype
fun type_of_rcd (name, (Struct, _, _, _)) = StructTy name
| type_of_rcd (name, (Union _, _, _, _)) = UnionTy name
fun inttyname ty =
case ty of
Char => "char"
| Short => "short"
| Int => "int"
| Long => "long"
| LongLong => "longlong"
| Int128 => "int128"
fun irank Char = 1 | irank Short = 2 | irank Int = 3 | irank Long = 4 |
irank LongLong = 5 | irank Int128 = 6
val inttype_ord = measure_ord irank
fun bool_compare (b1,b2) = if b1 = b2 then EQUAL
else if b1 = false then LESS
fun is_signed (Signed _) = true
| is_signed PlainChar = ImplementationNumbers.char_signedp
| is_signed _ = false
fun dest_int_type (Signed i) = (true, i)
| dest_int_type (Unsigned i) = (false, i)
| dest_int_type _ = raise Fail ("integer type expected")
fun dest_union_type (UnionTy s) = SOME s
| dest_union_type _ = NONE
fun is_union_type t = (is_some o dest_union_type) t
fun dest_struct_type (StructTy s) = SOME s
| dest_struct_type _ = NONE
fun is_struct_type t = (is_some o dest_struct_type) t
fun tyname0 f ty = let
val tyname = tyname0 f
fun seplist [] = ""
| seplist [x] = tyname x
| seplist (h::t) = String.concat [tyname h, "'", seplist t]
case ty of
Signed ity => (case ity of Char => "signed_char" | _ => inttyname ity)
| Unsigned x => let
case x of
Int => "unsigned"
| _ => "unsigned_"^inttyname x
| PlainChar => "char"
| Bool => "_Bool"
| Ptr ty0 => "ptr_to_" ^ tyname ty0
| Array(ty0, SOME sz) => tyname ty0 ^ "_array" ^ f sz
| Array(ty0, NONE) => tyname ty0 ^ "_array[incomplete]"
| StructTy s => "struct_" ^ s
| UnionTy s => "union_" ^ s
| Ident s => "typedef_"^s
| Bitfield (ty0, n) => tyname ty0 ^ ":" ^f n
| Void => "void"
| Function (ret, ptys) =>
String.concatWith "_" [seplist ptys, "_", tyname ret]
| EnumTy (SOME s) => "enum_"^s
| EnumTy NONE => "anonymous_enum"
| TypeOf _ => "typeof"
val tyname = tyname0 Int.toString
fun integer_conversion_rank ty =
case ty of
Signed i => irank i
| Unsigned i => irank i
| EnumTy _ => irank Int
| PlainChar => irank Char
| Bool => 0
| _ => ~1
structure ImplementationTypes =
val size_t = Unsigned ImplementationNumbers.ptr_t
val ptrdiff_t = Signed ImplementationNumbers.ptr_t
val ptrval_t = Unsigned ImplementationNumbers.ptr_t
fun scalar_type ty =
case ty of
Signed _ => true
| Unsigned _ => true
| PlainChar => true
| Ptr _ => true
| EnumTy _ => true
| Array _ => true
| Bool => true
| _ => false
fun ptr_type (Ptr _) = true
| ptr_type _ = false
fun ptr_or_array_type (Ptr _) = true
| ptr_or_array_type (Array _) = true
| ptr_or_array_type _ = false
fun integer_type ty = scalar_type ty andalso not (ptr_or_array_type ty)
val arithmetic_type = integer_type
fun array_to_ptr_decay (Array (x, _)) = Ptr x
| array_to_ptr_decay t = t
fun fparam_norm ty = let
case ty of
Ptr (Array(ty,NONE)) => Ptr (Ptr (fparam_norm ty))
| Ptr ty => Ptr (fparam_norm ty)
| Array (ty,sz) => Array(fparam_norm ty, sz)
| Function (ret, args) => Function(fparam_norm ret, map param_norm args)
| ty => ty
and param_norm ty =
case ty of
Function (ret,args) =>
Ptr (Function (fparam_norm ret, map param_norm args))
| Array (ty, sz) => Ptr (fparam_norm ty)
| ty => fparam_norm ty
fun array_type (Array _) = true
| array_type _ = false
fun function_type (Function _) = true
| function_type _ = false
fun fun_ptr_type (Ptr (Function _)) = true
| fun_ptr_type _ = false
fun remove_enums ty =
case ty of
Ptr ty => Ptr (remove_enums ty)
| Array(ty, x) => Array(remove_enums ty, x)
| Function(rettype, argtypes) => Function(remove_enums rettype,
map remove_enums argtypes)
| EnumTy _ => Signed Int
| _ => ty
fun tysz_rank ty =
case ty of
Signed _ => 0
| Unsigned _ => 1
| StructTy _ => 2
| UnionTy _ => 3
| EnumTy _ => 4
| Ptr _ => 5
| Array _ => 6
| Bitfield _ => 7
| Ident _ => 8
| Function _ => 9
| Void => 10
| PlainChar => 11
| Bool => 12
| TypeOf _ => 13
fun ctype_ord cecmp (ty1, ty2) =
case (ty1, ty2) of
(Signed i1, Signed i2) => inttype_ord(i1,i2)
| (Unsigned i1, Unsigned i2) => inttype_ord(i1, i2)
| (StructTy s1, StructTy s2) => string_ord(s1, s2)
| (UnionTy s1, UnionTy s2) => string_ord(s1, s2)
| (EnumTy s1, EnumTy s2) => option_ord string_ord(s1, s2)
| (Ptr ty1, Ptr ty2) => ctype_ord cecmp (ty1, ty2)
| (Array tysz1, Array tysz2) =>
prod_ord (ctype_ord cecmp) (option_ord cecmp) (tysz1,tysz2)
| (Bitfield bce1, Bitfield bce2) =>
prod_ord (ctype_ord cecmp) cecmp (bce1, bce2)
| (Ident s1, Ident s2) => string_ord(s1, s2)
| (Function f1, Function f2) =>
prod_ord (ctype_ord cecmp) (list_ord (ctype_ord cecmp))
(f1, f2)
| _ => measure_ord tysz_rank (ty1, ty2)
fun integer_promotions ty = let
open ImplementationNumbers
case ty of
Bool => Signed Int
| Signed Char => Signed Int
| Unsigned Char => if UCHAR_MAX > INT_MAX then Unsigned Int else Signed Int
| Signed Short => Signed Int
| Unsigned Short => if USHORT_MAX > INT_MAX then Unsigned Int else Signed Int
| PlainChar => if CHAR_MAX > INT_MAX then Unsigned Int else Signed Int
| EnumTy _ => Signed Int
| ty => ty
fun imax ty = let
open ImplementationNumbers
case ty of
Bool => 1
| PlainChar => CHAR_MAX
| Unsigned Char => UCHAR_MAX
| Signed Char => SCHAR_MAX
| Unsigned Short => USHORT_MAX
| Signed Short => SHORT_MAX
| Signed Int => INT_MAX
| Unsigned Int => UINT_MAX
| Signed Long => LONG_MAX
| Unsigned Long => ULONG_MAX
| Signed LongLong => LLONG_MAX
| Unsigned LongLong => ULLONG_MAX
| Signed Int128 => INT128_MAX
| Unsigned Int128 => UINT128_MAX
| _ => raise Fail ("imax called on bad type: "^tyname0 (fn _ => "") ty)
fun imin ty = let
open ImplementationNumbers
case ty of
Unsigned _ => 0
| Bool => 0
| Signed Char => SCHAR_MIN
| Signed Short => SHORT_MIN
| Signed Int => INT_MIN
| Signed Long => LONG_MIN
| Signed LongLong => LLONG_MIN
| Signed Int128 => INT128_MIN
| PlainChar => CHAR_MIN
| _ => raise Fail ("Abysn.imin called on: "^tyname0 (fn _ => "") ty)
fun arithmetic_conversion (t1,t2) = let
val t1' = integer_promotions t1
val t2' = integer_promotions t2
val cmp =
(fn p => raise Fail "arithmetic_conversion: comparing non-arithmetic\
\ types")
fun signedp (Signed i) = (true, i)
| signedp (Unsigned i) = (false, i)
| signedp x = raise Fail ("arithmetic_conversion.signedp: comparing \
\non-arithmetic types" ^ @{make_string} x ^ " comparing " ^ @{make_string} t1 ^ " and " ^ @{make_string} t2)
fun doit (t1, t2) =
case cmp(t1, t2) of
EQUAL => t1
| GREATER => doit(t2, t1)
| LESS => let
val (sp1, i1) = signedp t1
val (sp2, i2) = signedp t2
val r1 = integer_conversion_rank t1
val r2 = integer_conversion_rank t2
if sp1 = sp2 then t2
else if r1 < r2 then t2
else if imax t1 >= imax t2 then t1
else Unsigned i1
doit (t1', t2')
fun unify_types (ty1, ty2) = let
if ptr_or_array_type ty1 andalso not (ptr_or_array_type ty2) then unify_types (ty2, ty1)
else let
val ty2 = array_to_ptr_decay ty2
case (ty1, ty2) of
(Signed _, Ptr _) => ty2
| (Unsigned _, Ptr _) => ty2
| (PlainChar, Ptr _) => ty2
| (EnumTy _, Ptr _) => ty2
| (Ptr subty1, Ptr subty2) => if subty1 = Void then ty2
else if subty2 = Void then ty1
else if subty1 = subty2 then ty1
else raise Fail "Not unifiable"
| _ => if integer_type ty1 andalso integer_type ty2 then
arithmetic_conversion (ty1, ty2)
else if ty1 = ty2 then ty1
else raise Fail "Not unifiable"
val fi = IntInf.fromInt
val ti = IntInf.toInt
local open ImplementationNumbers
fun int_width Char = CHAR_BIT
| int_width Short = shortWidth
| int_width Int = intWidth
| int_width Long = longWidth
| int_width LongLong = llongWidth
| int_width Int128 = int128Width
fun ty_width (Signed i) = int_width i
| ty_width (Unsigned i) = int_width i
| ty_width PlainChar = CHAR_BIT
| ty_width ty = raise Fail ("Absyn.ty_width: non integral argument: "^
tyname0 (fn _ => "") ty)
fun int_sizeof ty = ti (int_width ty div CHAR_BIT)
fun sizeof (structsizes : string -> ( * bool)) ty : ( * bool) = let
open ImplementationNumbers
case ty of
Signed i => (int_sizeof i, false)
| Unsigned i => (int_sizeof i, false)
| PlainChar => (1, false)
| Bool => (ti (boolWidth div CHAR_BIT), false)
| StructTy s => structsizes s
| UnionTy s => structsizes s
| EnumTy s => (int_sizeof Int, false)
| Ptr _ => (ti (ptrWidth div CHAR_BIT), false)
| Array(base, SOME sz) =>
let val (el_sz, padding) = sizeof structsizes base in (sz * el_sz, padding) end
| Array(base, NONE) => raise Fail "Can't compute size for incomplete array"
| Bitfield (ty, width) =>
val (signed, int_ty) = dest_int_type ty
val iw = int_width int_ty
if width <> 0 andalso width mod iw = 0 then (ti (width div CHAR_BIT), false)
else raise ERROR ("Can't compute sizes for bit-fields, (consecutive) bitfield width of "
^ string_of_int width ^ " is not a multiple of integer width: " ^ string_of_int iw)
| Ident _ => raise Fail "Can't compute sizes for type-defs"
| Function _ => raise Fail "Can't compute sizes for functions"
| Void => raise Fail "Can't compute a size for void"
| TypeOf _ => raise Fail "Can't compute a size for TypeOf. Should be compiled out here."
fun aggregate_type (StructTy _) = true
| aggregate_type (UnionTy _) = true
| aggregate_type (Array _) = true
| aggregate_type _ = false
fun eqty(ty1, ty2) =
case (ty1, ty2) of
(Signed ity1, Signed ity2) => ity1 = ity2
| (Unsigned ity1, Unsigned ity2) => ity1 = ity2
| (PlainChar, PlainChar) => true
| (StructTy s1, StructTy s2) => s1 = s2
| (UnionTy s1, UnionTy s2) => s1 = s2
| (EnumTy s1, EnumTy s2) => s1 = s2
| (Ptr ty1, Ptr ty2) => eqty(ty1, ty2)
| (Array(ty1,_), Array(ty2,_)) => eqty(ty1,ty2)
| (Bitfield(ty1, _), Bitfield(ty2,_)) => eqty(ty1,ty2)
| (Ident s1, Ident s2) => s1 = s2
| (Function(retty1, args1), Function(retty2, args2)) =>
eqty(retty1,retty2) andalso
ListPair.all eqty (args1, args2)
| (Void, Void) => true
| _ => false
fun C_field_name s = s ^ "_C"
fun unC_field_name s =
if String.isSuffix "_C" s then
String.extract(s,0,SOME(size s - 2))
else s
fun nested_types t =
fun add_types t ts =
case t of
Ptr t' => add_types t' (t::ts)
| Array (t',_) => add_types t' (t::ts)
| Bitfield (t', _) => add_types t' (t::ts)
| Function (r, args) => (t::ts) |> fold add_types (r::args)
| other => other::ts
add_types t []
structure CTypeTab = Table(struct
type key = int ctype
val ord = ctype_ord int_ord